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  1. R

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    Ordered a copy of "Success in the North American Fur Trade" by Barry Conner. Doing some North West trade gun research.
  2. R

    Northwest Trade Gun

    I just ordered a copy. Thanks.
  3. R

    Show your Muzzleloading gems.

    It would have looked like another Italian import.
  4. R

    Show your Muzzleloading gems.

    When I did that I looked up his GG Grandfather's history and it was very interesting. He entered the war as a captain and was issued that Colt. He left the war as a brevet Brigadier General. During the war he served down south and got malaria. After the war he was the head of the Army War...
  5. R

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    Ordered a 4 oz sample of Sutherland-Welles polymerized tung oil.
  6. R

    Show your Muzzleloading gems.

    Maybe this will interest some. I saved this 1860 Army Colt from being re-blued by my friend. It was his GG Grandfather's in the Civil War. I gently cleaned it, made a new hand spring, and his wife had a guy at the Smithsonian do the shadow box. That's his relative in the picture.The gun is so...
  7. R

    The Tale of A 200 Year Old Shotgun

    Don't sleeve it. My friend owns a nice Parker and it had been sleeved to 20 ga. It was the heaviest, front heavy, unwieldy thing I've ever handled.
  8. R

    Kibler Fowler finding an aiming point and having fun.

    I don't have a Kibler but my North Star 20 barrel shoots great with a .595 patched ball and 50 gr. 2f. I don't have a rear sight but see a little barrel and the front sight.
  9. R


    Don't let them get into the ointment.
  10. R

    Adding an APERTURE to your glasses so you can SEE the sights!

    They were such handy things to put all sorts of do dads in them. My friend taught me how to make a turkey call with a film canister and a rubber glove.
  11. R

    Adding an APERTURE to your glasses so you can SEE the sights!

    I think the bigger problem will be finding a 35mm film canister.
  12. R

    Is there a safe way to prime a flintlock?

    What is more dangerous in my mind is pushing the ramrod down the barrel with the palm of your hand. If there was a little ember in there and it ignited with the rush of air of the ball being seated, the ramrod will go through your hand.
  13. R

    Need help browning barrel

    I always did mine in a humidity box I built, barrel suspended on wires, wet rags on the bottom, small parts in foam trays, 100 watt light bulb in the corner.
  14. R

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    I decided to inlet my serpent on my NW trade gun I built in 1980. Back then it was an accepted method to leave them on the surface but after seeing lots of pictures of originals I decided to inlet mine. Inletting anything on a finished gun is not fun, especially a serpent. I've been at it for...
  15. R

    Shooting dimpled round balls verses smooth round balls. Are they more accurate?

    The problem with comparing dimpled round balls to golf balls is the dimples on the golf balls only work on spinning balls. All golf shots spin to some degree and we use that in shaping our shots right, left, high, or low.
  16. R

    Modern Possibles Bag Options?

    I would use my shooting bag which contains everything to manage the rifle. In addition I take a WW2 musette bag and hang that on the opposite side of my shooting bag. This contains everything else you'd need for a day out like water, food, matches, compass, flashlight, raingear, maps, etc.
  17. R

    This old thing...

    The stock definitely has been sanded and refinished judging from the dark in the dents, gouges, and low areas.
  18. R

    Mariano Medina, “Old Lady Hawkens” copy

    Great, thank you.
  19. R

    Can a novice really build it?

    Oh yes you can. What I've seen mostly is in the finishing processes. Not sanded fine enough or whiskered enough, garish colors, too light or too dark, amateurish carving, faux finishes on the steel and brass. No gunsmithing skillls needed to put the kit together but spend lots of time...
  20. R

    Mariano Medina, “Old Lady Hawkens” copy

    That's a great copy. Any chance you could show the full side view of both sides?