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  1. tom mesa

    My WoodsRunner mystery metal

    Sometimes we have to remove machine marks from the out side of a barrel , sometimes we have to remove some machine residue what is so hard about having to do that! We can pay to have the kit put together so we don't have to do anything to have a rifle to have. Get a life !
  2. tom mesa

    New member from the mitten

    Welcome from Mesa ,Az
  3. tom mesa

    New Member

    Welcome from Mesa, Az
  4. tom mesa

    New to the Forum

    Welcome from Mesa Az
  5. tom mesa

    My Kibler Colonial

    Nice buck! Congratulations on a successful hunt.
  6. tom mesa

    Why does a load shoot two separate goups??

    Could it possibly be inhale/ exhale , vertical stringing is caused by poor breath control. Just asking!
  7. tom mesa

    Extra Slow motion on flintlock ignition

    Can you run it in actual time? Way too much prime powder ,but slow motion filming does not prove slow ignition.
  8. tom mesa

    Kibler smr ash

  9. tom mesa

    Kibler smr ash

    My rifle is a percussion . Here is a pic with my Kibler flints.
  10. tom mesa

    Kibler smr ash

    That is a beauty. I have a .45 made by John Bergman that could almost be a twin. Love the ash. Beautiful rifle you have,I understand keeping it.
  11. tom mesa

    First deer for my son

    Congratulations on a new hunter and a sucesfull hunt. He has had a good upbringing. Keeo it up ,you did good.
  12. tom mesa

    Hunting loads for my .58 black powder rifle

    I can't shoo anymore ,I have holes in both retinas. Dr's are trying to help. It is slow going.
  13. tom mesa

    Hunting loads for my .58 black powder rifle

    Our grandson and his daughter hunt that unit up by Navajo Camp.
  14. tom mesa

    Hunting loads for my .58 black powder rifle

    What unit are you hunting?
  15. tom mesa

    About your hunting rifles

    I have to show my hunting rifles. That's all I can do anymore, show them. I have holes in both retinas. Having injections ,monthly in left eye, every 12 weeks in the right. The specialist give me some hope of recovery. God knows what's best ,and I leave it in his hands.
  16. tom mesa

    Two feathers in the hospital

    A speedy recovery and a long life after that. God bless and comfort Two Feathers.
  17. tom mesa

    Hello from Poland!

    Welcome from Mesa,Arizona
  18. tom mesa


    Welcome from Mesa,Az
  19. tom mesa

    Hello from Winchester TN!

    Welcome from Mesa,Az
  20. tom mesa

    Hello From Barcelona - Catalonia

    Welcome from Mesa,Arizona