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  1. M

    Lehigh Lube experience/comments?

    You can head out to Dixons near Kempton and you can get it there... Not to mention dixons is a fun place to spend a few minutes.. Jeff.
  2. M

    Where to aim

    K, well..good advice, i normally don't take neck shots but i thought i'd ask.. I was thinking of shooting closer to the body then the head though, so i know that would be a more stable shot.. not my fist choice and i think you guys confirmed that.. I shot a Pig(about 180lbs) this year with my...
  3. M

    Where to aim

    So i'm gathering that the general consencus is to shoot heart & Lung which i normally do. I was wondering about Neck shots? .50 GP .495 hornady ball with 75gr Goex.. Would it be enough to break the neck ? punch through?.. i don't have the luxury of being able to track deer for a great...
  4. M

    Hey all..

    Mousekiller here, found out about this site from another forum reading a thread, the info i've been reading is great.. I'm from Virginia around the Richmond area. I shoot a Lyman GP PRB.. in .50.. Thanks to my older brother i got into this great sport.. He's big into BP.. and pretty much a...