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  1. slspletskp

    Successful Stalk

    Definitely a trophy buck, Sir! Congrats! Most folks can hunt their entire lives and not see a buck of that quality. Enjoy the ride!
  2. slspletskp

    Pine needle hat

    Well done! If I only had the patience...
  3. slspletskp

    SOLD Large ball or shot bag

    I would be happy to take this off your hands! Funds coming your way! Thank you!
  4. slspletskp

    finished my fowler

    Very nice! Hope mine turns out as good as this one
  5. slspletskp

    Kibler fowler

    Not yet. 20 ga walnut
  6. slspletskp

    .36 cal SMR in Walnut completed

    Sweet looking rifle! Thanks for sharing
  7. slspletskp

    Hi Folks.

    Welcome and enjoy the ride!
  8. slspletskp

    Awfully quiet over at Kiblers.

    Good to know. Want to obtain them once you put that together. Thanks Jim!
  9. slspletskp

    Awfully quiet over at Kiblers.

    And that is available from you now?
  10. slspletskp

    Awfully quiet over at Kiblers.

    Any finish recommendations for the walnut?
  11. slspletskp

    Awfully quiet over at Kiblers.

    Got my order in yesterday. 20ga in walnut. Jim recommends a .610 ball with .012 patch. Can't wait!🙂
  12. slspletskp

    SOLD Another Elk antler Flintlock pan primer

    Someone needs to snatch this up. These are awesome!
  13. slspletskp

    New from Montana

    Welcome from the Olympic Peninsula, Washington
  14. slspletskp


    I found that warming the barrel helps tremendously. Degreasing, as most have said here, is critical. Good luck!
  15. slspletskp

    My name is…

    Welcome from Washington State!
  16. slspletskp

    Gunsmiths Daughter

    Welcome from Washington State!
  17. slspletskp

    Glad to be here

    Welcome from Washington State!