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  1. Jeffrey Gardner

    Kibler in .32?

    Altho, if you really want a .32, you can call and talk to Bree and see if they may still have a barrel laying around. If so, I don't think they would be adverse to providing the rifle you want.
  2. Jeffrey Gardner

    Phil Spangenberger has died

    Got started by reading Phil's writing. Also Rick Hacker, Skeeter and Elmer. Watching the westerns on TV with my grandpa and the Wonderful World of Color and Davy Crockett and Daniel Boone. The great story tellers are leaving us for heaven and it's up to the rest of us still here to pass on our...
  3. Jeffrey Gardner

    NIB Garret Sharps Carbine

    I also have one of the Garrett carbines in 50-70, a beautiful gun, even if it is 'unmentionable'. I believe Capandball actually has a video on YouTube about the pellet primer and making it work. Enjoy your gem.
  4. Jeffrey Gardner

    What should I do with an "extra" Pedersoli Bess I got pretty cheap?

    You could strip and restain the stock and cut it down for your own Roger's Rangers gun.
  5. Jeffrey Gardner

    Pedersoli Brown Bess ?’s

    Jim, are you trying to get my wife to kill me? I've already bought 5 of your rifles to build and leave to my kids when I go. And I just picked up one of your fowlers with a cherry stock in 20 ga. a piece I'd already told her I had no plans to get. Now we're talking authentic Besses? Ok, OK, I'll...
  6. Jeffrey Gardner

    How Indian flintlocks are made

    If the locks seem to be the part most likely to cause problems, would it be feasible to replace them with a Rifle Shop lock?
  7. Jeffrey Gardner

    NWTG in the Colonies?

    God, I love the things we learn whenever Dave chimes in. His breadth of knowledge is remarkable. Thanks, Dave.
  8. Jeffrey Gardner

    What mistakes have you noticed in movies/tv shows that happen in the BP era like Daniel Boone, Patriot etc?

    Surprised no one has mentioned it, but in the movie "Light in the Forest", there is a scene where one of the 'indian' extras is standing knee deep in the river and flips open the trapdoor of his flintlock gun, ejecting the 45-70 blank into the water. Dang those guys were more advanced than we...
  9. Jeffrey Gardner

    New member from RI

    Welcome to the forum from an old Rhode Islander who now lives in western Ohio. Cut my teeth on my uncle's original 1795 Springfield when I was 8. Long time ago. Where are you roughly in the state?
  10. Jeffrey Gardner

    Dave from Ohio

    Welcome from just outside of Dayton.
  11. Jeffrey Gardner

    Mike Beliveau injured in fall, doing OK.

    Almost missed this, so here we go. Best wishes for a complete recovery, Mike. Can't wish for a fast one, cause let's face it, at our age there is nothing good about going too fast. Take your time and get better, we're all patiently waiting to hear more from you once your able to get back into...
  12. Jeffrey Gardner

    Poll: What do you use your muzzleloader for?

    Honest answer is my own enjoyment. Have as much fun building one as shooting it.
  13. Jeffrey Gardner

    Starting a new build.

    I remember a very similar club butt gun used to be on display at Plymouth Plantations back in the late 70's, early 80's. I believe at the time that they attributed it to the John Alden family. Not sure if it is still there or not, and as I am approaching 67, not sure if my remembrances are as...
  14. Jeffrey Gardner


    Joe, just ordered one of your tools in.54 cal. Suddenly find myself setting up to build 5 guns after not having built one in close to 30 years.