What should I do with an "extra" Pedersoli Bess I got pretty cheap?

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32 Cal.
Mar 4, 2013
Reaction score
A couple weeks ago I placed some bids in an auction and ended up winning 2 older Pedersoli black powder firearms. The first is the title Bess and second is a "Classic" 12 ga double percussion shotgun. The shotgun has a proof code from 1977 and it is pretty good shape but with some oxidation along the barrels and some active rust near the bores, but no pitting. I have wanted one of these for a while and the delivered cost was around $500.

The Bess appears to be one built from a kit. This is my guess mostly due to the stock being a very light color instead of dark stained walnut. It also has light oxidation along the length of the barrel as well as on the lock. The lock seems to be strong and functional. There is also a rear sight added. I have not yet found the proof code, but I thin it is likely of a similar age to the SxS.

Since I already have a factory DP Bess and bayonet, I'm trying to decide what to do with this one. Just scour the barrel and lock back to bright? Stain and refinish the stock? Or do something else like cut it down to a "carbine" or something similar and handy? Something else? I'm into the Bess about $550.

I can get some pics later.

I am aware that it is worth at least a bit more than I paid for it. That's why I bid on it when I had one already. Selling it for MONEY just seems so boring.

I was not able to grab any pics from the auction. I'll try to take a few soon.

Here are the two side by side, then a close-up of the locks, then the top of the breech end of the new guy. 1979 based on the proof code "AE" for the recent purchase. My existing one has "BU" for 2004.




The barrel of the 1979 firelock is oxidized similarly along the length, but it is rusted the worst here in the lock area.

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Ah, hell, just box it up and send it to me. I hate to see you toiling so bad over what to do with it. 😁
Took longer than expected for this response to come in! Thank you.
To my way of thinking you are testing the water to see who bites and how hungry the fish are:dunno:. Do as you please - they are your guns.
Your thinking is incorrect. My question is genuine. I want creative ideas about what conversion I might do with the 2nd Bess to keep it in a different configuration, because I don't need 2 standard DP Besses (though they do look good together--maybe I should get more and recreate the lobby of the Williamsburg Governor's Mansion?).

Yes, I know I can just sell it, cleaned up or not cleaned up, and buy something else. If that's what makes the most sense, I will. I do like the idea of the "Canoe gun" or a "Roger's Rangers" gun.

The other question is, clean up or not clean up? Scour it back to bright (which should be possible because I don't think there is much if any pitting, except maybe near the lock)? Or leave it with the used and campaigned look?

Thanks for the thoughts, folks. It seems like shortening it is an option, but I fear that would cost a bit of money and the end result would be worth less. Though maybe fun to shoot.

I think the best option is probably to pass it down the road to fund another purchase (Kibler?).

So the next question then is, to clean it up and sell, or sell "as is" to allow the new owner to do what they want with it. And what would be a fair price? I know new complete guns are like $1500 and new kits are $1200. Is $1200 reasonable for this "as is", as if it were a kit? More? Less?
Thanks again, folks.

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