Does anyone know where I can get a right hand percussion hammer like the Siler, L&R, or Hawken style?
The Siler and L&R are 1 3/4" throw and I need one a little longer.
I'll have to file a square out of some cold rolled and solder into the hole and then re-cut the hole to fit. It's a little tedious but I've done it before.
I checked with Dixie and they didn't have anything that would look right.
Just a thought, but why not jig your new hammer up in a drill press vise and cut out the square with a hole saw? Then you could just rotate that square to proper position and weld or solder it back in. It might be easier than filing out a new square hole.
That's a possibility but I'm not that good of a gas welder and tig is a no-go for me. Filing out a square is pretty easy with needle files if I drill a hole just under the minor diameter of the tumbler shaft and then square it up. I solved the problem this afternoon by soldering in a square in the original hole and then filing in a new one down and back from the original. It took a little bending to fit the hammer nose and get it square to the nipple. It busts caps just fine.
If I'd have gotten the blasted lock positioned right in the first place I would have saved a lot of time. It's not the first time I've spent hours figuring out how to fix my blunders and I know it won't be the last. Thanks for the suggestions!