When the Caplock guns became popular, Black Powder was all there was to shoot in them.
What bacame the #11 cap was more than adaquate to fire the guns reliably.
When the new Black Powder replacements were designed, IMO, the prime desire was to develop a powder which had a higher flash point and was not a class A explosive. This would reduce transportation costs and Insurance costs for the dealers.
I think little thought was made about the increase in hang fires and missfires.
As people started using these new powders it bacame appearent that the number 11 cap was not doing the job.
CCI created a new hotter cap to help reduce this hang fire/missfire problem and in the spirit of our modern times, named it MAGNUM!
The Magnum caps are totally interchangable with the standard number 11 cap on any gun built to use that size. :yakyak: