Basic load.
80 grains of 3fg (3 drams). ½ inch dry fiber wad. 1 ounce lead shot. ½ inch fiber wad soaked in olive oil or melted animal fat. Using the same size wads makes for simplicity, but many avid shotgunners will use different combinations of fiber wads, hard thin wads, leather, or cut card wads. Some folks use tow and/or pieces of old hornets' nest
A lot of guys like to use the Skychief load.
Skychief Load
The Skychief Load appears to negate any incidental rotation of the shot column as it moves down the bore, making for more consistent patterns, when using
chilled lead shot. Results may vary a great deal if one is using reclaimed shot, shotmaker shot, swan shot, or cut shot.
Also when using a lighter load say 55 grains of powder, a lot of folks test the impact effectiveness by using an empty, steel,
tuna can. You tape the bottom of the can to the target and set that at your estimated max range, then shoot at the can attempting to put pellets through the bottom of the can. If the pellets don't penetrate, or only some of the do and some do not. you either must shoot the game at a closer distance, OR increase the powder.