Since you are just starting out I'll add a bit. You often get better accuracy if the ball is seated just below the front of the cylinder, that way it travels less before entering the barrel. The problem is, you cannot have any air space between the ball and powder. If you want to shoot a lighter load ( 10 grains fffg)the anwser is some sort of filler. A wonder wad is pretty thick and will take up some space. In other words put in the powder charge, then the wad, then the ball. If the wad is greased with wonder lube, etc, you usually don't have to cover the end of the ball or chamber with grease.
If the ball is still seated deeply in the chamber then some cream of wheat or corn meal can be used to add space. Here you would put in the powder charge, the filler(cornmeal), a wad, and the ball.
You should also, at the start of the shooting day, fire a cap over each empty chamber to burn off any grease. We did a lot of conservation on this a while back and came to the conclusion that a chain fire may occur if caps are put on greased nipples, the recoil knocks then off. This was determined because all chain fires started at the beginning of the day, almost never after some shooting had been done, and a brief pass of a propane torch over an uncapped nipple exploded the charge.