30 yrs. or so ago some would have passed up a buck like that
because there were lots of them and better ones but not now.
We had lots of Deer then and few Elk but now it's the other way. Elk everywhere and few Deer. Anything over 30" is real good nowdays. I hunt alone, on foot, where it's too steep for 4 wheelers and where others are too lazy or smart
to climb it, usually 8 to 10,000 ft. I saw him first from about 800 yds. and stalked to within about 75 yds. but he got away in the heavy oakbrush. A few days later I saw him again about the same distance going away I shot him thru
the right hind leg with a 500 gr. .50 cal. that I cast
from a mold that I designed and had Veral Smith make for me.
It broke the leg and came out just behind the left shoulder
He still traveled about over a hundred yds. bleeding very little, had a devil of a time finding him. First time I've ever shot a deer or Elk with that bullet that didn't drop
right in their tracks. Had to cut him up to pack him out.