For the past 3 years worth of 40-50 shot range sessions with my flintlocks I've always used Goex 3F and bore butter...never wipe between shots, accuracy stayed solid, easy to load, .54cal I use 60grns 3F target loads.
Today, I tried the same .54cal using 70grn 2F target loads and could gradually begin to feel resistance increasing as I shot and reloaded. Accuracy began to suffer around a 10-12 shots and it was getting noticeably difficult to load, although I still could.
Cleaned the barrel completely and started again, this time adding wonderwads and got up around 15-16 shots before accuracy began to suffer...cleaned again and finished the 40 shot session.
Definitely proved to me that my Goex 2F fouls more than my 3F...with Goex 3F I just sail through 40 shots without accuracy or loading difficulties at all.
I had used 2F before when sighting in a .58cal, but always cleaned the barrel after every shot for sighting in purposes...and since the .58cal balls are pretty expensive, I never tried using it for a long range session.
I don't like the bother of wiping between every shot so if I use 2F again for a range session, I'll just try cleaning the bore every several shots at the same time I periodically clean the flint/frizzen/pan...should work fine for range plinking
Today, I tried the same .54cal using 70grn 2F target loads and could gradually begin to feel resistance increasing as I shot and reloaded. Accuracy began to suffer around a 10-12 shots and it was getting noticeably difficult to load, although I still could.
Cleaned the barrel completely and started again, this time adding wonderwads and got up around 15-16 shots before accuracy began to suffer...cleaned again and finished the 40 shot session.
Definitely proved to me that my Goex 2F fouls more than my 3F...with Goex 3F I just sail through 40 shots without accuracy or loading difficulties at all.
I had used 2F before when sighting in a .58cal, but always cleaned the barrel after every shot for sighting in purposes...and since the .58cal balls are pretty expensive, I never tried using it for a long range session.
I don't like the bother of wiping between every shot so if I use 2F again for a range session, I'll just try cleaning the bore every several shots at the same time I periodically clean the flint/frizzen/pan...should work fine for range plinking