With that short barrel, use FFFg powder. Use a .490 ball, a .015, .018, or, 020" thick pillow ticking, pocket drill, linen, or muslin patch with a tight weave. The depth of the rifling will give you an idea which thickness will work the best for you.
Use cotton flannel cleaning patches to clean the gun. Your top Efficient load is going to be less than 64 grains, shooting a PRB. Your most accurate load will be around 50 grains of FFFg. These short barrels are best used, with PRB loads, at 50 yards and under. With the heavier conical, you can load 80 grains, and shoot good groups out to 100 yards. If you google " White Mountain Carbine ", you will find several good sites, with good information and loading data for conicals on them.I did not find any information on shooting a PRB in the gun. The guns are not being marketed for shooting a PRB, although there is no reason not to use them. The sellers are pushing the substitute powders, and the plastic sabots, and jacketed pistol bullets in these short barrels, to get longer range. With open sights, the average hunter has no business taking a shot at a deer over 100 yards.