3 blades

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32 Cal.
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
forged these this past weekend here in bama was 60 deg and sunshine all weekend.so done alittle forging...used a plow blade got from a farmer..
the top two are oa.16" blades are 10.5 the bottom one is 12"oa and blade is7" any and all comments are welcome thanks moon
thanks james u may have seen these on pp.this morning..the middle one i think is going to end up being a half tang..
see ya moon
moonedge said:

The top one has a rather odd shaped blade and the top two both have a very modern shaped handle.

The bottom design looks like it fits this (non-modern forum) category.

Are you copying something you saw, or are you making up the designs?
the top two handles will be changed just what i got so far.yes was going for like a longhunter knife for the top two.the bottom was supposed to be kind of like a trade or scalper.haven't got to were i can get the steel to do what i want in the forge yet..stock removal i can copy most anything.but want to start forging all my blades.just cant get them to look right.so am asking for advise from any and all who will offer it to me.if you don't like them thats ok to.it doesn't bother me i just want to make a good looking and usable knife..and someday i will.
to all thanks for the comments good or bad is ok.
i dont get mad or upset about any comment.made i listen and try to make the changes.this is why i ask for the comments to do a better job..
talk to ya later moon..
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moonedge said:
the top two handles will be changed just what i got so far.yes was going for like a longhunter knife for the top two.

if you don't like them thats ok to.it doesn't bother me i just want to make a good looking and usable knife..and someday i will.

I didn't say I didn't like them and that's not important anyway. It's what you want that matters.

I asked because I wondered if you were trying to make knives that looked "historic". I've never seen anything from the 18th century that looks like that first one. That's why I asked if you copied the design or made it up.
moonedge said:
haven't got to were i can get the steel to do what i want in the forge yet..

Man I know what ya mean. I've only played with the forge one time and found out just how hard it is to pound something into the shape you want.

Keep at it Moon. And keep posting pics of your work. :thumbsup: GW
the top blade precedes the 18th century by a few years, that style is very much the shape of what was called" scammer-sax dating back to the vikings, the second looks much like the typical french birds-head style very popular in the 18th century and the third has the look of many homemade bag knives of the 18th century --i think they are all very nicely done. :thumbsup:
I am new to blacksmithing only at it since sept 08 and only get to work at a friends forge once a week and its not every week and i know its difficult to get things banged out the way u want I have one knife started something I was playing with one day haven't had a chance to get back to it . What you have done there is good it will get better you will refine what you do as you go along and talk to diff people . See if you can hook up with someone who has been doing this for awhile
trucker said:
the top blade precedes the 18th century by a few years, that style is very much the shape of what was called" scammer-sax dating back to the vikings, the second looks much like the typical french birds-head style very popular in the 18th century...

I'm sure the Vikings and others were making all sorts of things prior to the 18th century, but I'm not sure what that has t do with the scope of this forum?

Although similar, the handles on he first two look a little square to be a French knife.

They're more like this...


as opposed to the French...

yes the top one is going to be seax.the middle one if i don't make it into a half tang into antler.got a big whitetail crown.will be more round like the bottom one carl posted.the bottom one is pretty much done.i have thinned the handle down and alittle more rounded to fit the hand better.thanks for all the comments.when i get some more done will update this so everyone can see as i go.
see ya moon
trucker said:
:v: yes and maybe moon has not reached the final shape that you want . :surrender:

He asked for "any and all comments" and the shapes looked pretty "final" to me.

Perhaps we should hold our comments until the projects are finished and he cannot make modifications?