5 1/2" barreled Remmy?

Muzzleloading Forum

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Mar 21, 2004
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Anyone shoot one of them? If so, what do you think of it? How does it balance compared to the 8"er? How do they group? Are they as accurate as the longer barreled version all things considered? I have had a number of 8"ers but never the shorter barreled one and think i might like one if they shoot good. How about with the .45 LC conversion cylinders? Do they shoot good with those. Any info appreciated.
We are not supposed to discuss cartridge guns on our forum.
Please refrain from talking about cartridge conversion cylinders.
Uhh, excuse me, but i seem to have been around here quite a bit longer than you have and though i should know all the rules by now, some times i forget. That happens when you live long enough to get OLD. But i was talking about a BP revolver and just slipped in about the conversion cyl. Which by the way, does shoot BP loads as well.
I have a Cim. Uberti Remington. The distance that I shoot(I don't do many 75-100yd shots) I don't notice any difference in shot patterns, or recoil. I use it both for straight BP using both the synthetic, and natural. I also use that thing that Zonie just chewed Rebel out about. In the same gun works fine And yes Cowboy Loads are BP loads which is what powder is reccomended by the manufacturer of that thing.
I find that the shorter length barrel better when I go out and about the woods. The shorter holster doesn't seem to catch on things as easily. And being a shorter person the buggers fore-sight is not down about my knees. Alsao being thats it's that time of the year up here in Michigan, your all bundled up and you don't have to fight all those winter clothes as much trying to draw it out.
:bow: did not notice av, got to reading, will try to look off to left more often.
Thanks P.P.. I just ordered a 5 1/2"er from Cabelas. Should be here by next Tues. or Wed. Hope it isn't raining then so i can go out and try it out. Have been punching out felt wads and lubing them and casting rd balls. All set to go as soon as it arrives. :grin:
I don't know a thing about the conversion, but I've had a short '58 Remmy for a few years now. I've gotta say I like it. It's easy to handle, carries well, points well for me, and it's never ever failed to go off. It doesn't have quite the same romance of the authentic longer barreled smoke wagons, but it's a good revolver nonetheless.

My non-ML friends tend to like it better than my Colts, btw. For whatever that's worth. (And whatever it means... :hmm: )

As an aside, does anyone know if these guns were ever made (I don't mean manufactured by Remington) by lawmen or shootists or outlaws or whatever?
Poor Private said:
I also use that thing that Zonie just chewed Rebel out about. In the same gun works fine And yes Cowboy Loads are BP loads which is what powder is reccomended by the manufacturer of that thing.

Zonie wasn't chewing anyone out. He was doing the thankless, volunteer job of trying to keep the Forum running smoothly and on topic.

"Cowboy loads" being BP is irrelevant. This Forum isn't about black powder cartridges.
Claude said:
Poor Private said:
I also use that thing that Zonie just chewed Rebel out about. In the same gun works fine And yes Cowboy Loads are BP loads which is what powder is reccomended by the manufacturer of that thing.

Zonie wasn't chewing anyone out. He was doing the thankless, volunteer job of trying to keep the Forum running smoothly and on topic.

"Cowboy loads" being BP is irrelevant. This Forum isn't about black powder cartridges.
I guess I should have used a smiley face in there somewhere, I was saying in with tongue in cheek, or in jest if you will. I realize that a moderator job is a tuff one. It's tuff to show facial expressions or verbal chuckles on a flat screen. :redface:
Poor Private said:
Claude said:
Poor Private said:
I also use that thing that Zonie just chewed Rebel out about. In the same gun works fine And yes Cowboy Loads are BP loads which is what powder is reccomended by the manufacturer of that thing.

Zonie wasn't chewing anyone out. He was doing the thankless, volunteer job of trying to keep the Forum running smoothly and on topic.

"Cowboy loads" being BP is irrelevant. This Forum isn't about black powder cartridges.
I guess I should have used a smiley face in there somewhere, I was saying in with tongue in cheek, or in jest if you will. I realize that a moderator job is a tuff one. It's tuff to show facial expressions or verbal chuckles on a flat screen. :redface:
You may be missing the point. I think it's about not talking about black powder cartridges. Which you did after Zonie warned everyone.
I agree with Jack. This thread has skirted some of the rules. That being said, why not start a thread in Non-ML discussions about .45LC, .45-70, etc.? I'm sure several of us would love to participate. Let's put this discussion where it belongs, that's what I'm saying.

smokin .50 said:
I agree with Jack. This thread has skirted some of the rules. That being said, why not start a thread in Non-ML discussions about .45LC, .45-70, etc.? I'm sure several of us would love to participate. Let's put this discussion where it belongs, that's what I'm saying.

Excellent assessment. :thumbsup:
I'm new to posting on the forum, but if there a motion on the floor I'll second the idea of opening a new catagory on BP cartridge loads. I have many questions on that subject as well and I think this is the group with the knowledge I'd need to tap. MJD
mjd said:
I'm new to posting on the forum, but if there a motion on the floor I'll second the idea of opening a new catagory on BP cartridge loads. I have many questions on that subject as well and I think this is the group with the knowledge I'd need to tap. MJD

There's no question about opening a new category for cartridges.

All non-muzzleloading topics go in the "Non-Muzzleloading" category.
I'd be interested in your impressions Rebel. I have the short Colt version and have been giving some thought to getting a short Remmy too.

I just received it yesterday and got out long enough today to fire 12 shots. I like it. I like the balance better than the long one and accuracy seems like it is going to be real good with some load work. I only fired it with 30 grs of 3f Goex a Wonder Wad, and a home cast .454 rd ball. Next time out i will try some different powder charges. But all and all i think it is a keeper.

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