Ummm.....More of an interception. Over the course of 2 days I got within 20yds-75yds stalking in on him, on 5 separate occasions, but I always spooked him. I like hunting in deep snow, I can keep tracking them, and when I do spook them they don't run as far or as fast as they do in the summer. When I had caught up to him the 5th time, I spooked him up in some thick timber, and he took off running straight down a sheer ridge with a big cliff off of the other side. I took off parallel to him running through the thick timber. I could see him out on the rocky spine about 40yds off trying to look for a way to escape over the cliff, but it continued along the ridge for several hundred yards. I was keeping up with him, but concealed by timber. Finally, he got cliffed out, and had to turn into the timber. I ran right to where he was headed, and he ran right to me; I didn't even have time to use my set trigger. I barely got my feet stopped before I shot. This was my first elk with a muzzleloader, and I have got a couple previous with a 30-06. All my elk have been shot within 30yds. I'm hooked and hoping I'll draw a winter tag again this year. I think winter elk hunting in Idaho is perfect for close range and fast action.