.50 cal round Ball

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Depends on you budget. The 50 is more than enough for deer sized animals. OTOH, the 54 does provide a little more whompability for bigger animals. If I "had" to choose just one, I prefer a 54, but that's just a personal choice.
I have not hunted with a ML but as I know, .50 IS the normal round used and someone can correct me if wrong but whats allowed around the states isnt much smaller.
as always keep distances reasonable a 75 yard max and good shot placement , and yes it has probably taken a million+ deer

a 50 cal 385 gr conical will punch a deer end to end and I would not hesitate to take a bullalo with one at reasonable distance

deer are not buffalo a round ball is plenty sufficient at around 50 yards
I’ve taken more then one with a .50, have known people to take some with .45. This century its been .62 till this year a .54, but in those cases from smoothbore. My very first ml deer... infact my fist deer was a .50, all with round ball.
I’ve killed deer with 40, 45, 50 and 54. All of those caliber are lethal for deer. Shot placement and knowing your own limitations on distance are key to an ethical kill. My very first Muzzeloading deer was a 50 caliber.
No hesitation at all with a 50 or 45 cal. LRB. Keep a well placed shot at reasonable range (<75 yards) and you will have a dead deer.
As others have said a well placed shot from a .50 cal. ball will drop a deer in its tracks and so will a .22 bullet. Have you ever wondered why the ML,s made for the Civil War were .58 cal.? The truth is it does a better job on marginal shots!