.54 TC Hawken bullet diameter?

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Don't remember offhand.
Bought it 5 years ago and don't have invoice handy.
I'm interested in both ball and conical diameter.
Just measured the land and groove diameter
Land 0.531
Groove 0.550
Caveat - I don't entirely trust the digital caliper
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The GM 32" barrels should have a 1:70 twist. The GM 29" LRH barrels should be 1:32. From experience with my 32" GM barrels, you should able to load a .535 ball /w .018" thick patch. Have you shot a conical out of it and if so what kind?
Just measured the land and groove diameter
Land 0.531
Groove 0.550
Caveat - I don't entirely trust the digital caliper

I tend to use a round ball that is about 0.010" less in diameter than the land to land diameter or 0.520". A patch that compresses to fill the windage and the grooves of about 0.018" compressing to 0.014" should work.

A hollow based conical soft lead bullet should be sized to 0.530 to fit the land to land diameter when lubricated. These need soft lead to expand into generally shallow grooves and seal off expanding cases.

A flat based conical is generally designed to have the top most driving band sized close to the groove diameter. The other bands will be about the land to land diameter for alignment during loading. These too should also be cast of soft lead or loading becomes difficult. An over powder wad is often beneficial with the flat based conical.

In theory, the conical bullet will be deadly on game animals. In practice, a 54 caliber round ball is also an excellent hunting projectile.

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