.58 Cal. CVA Mountain Rifle—what’s it worth?

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32 Cal.
May 13, 2016
Reaction score
I have one in beautiful shape (used). A flinter. I have never fired it. Silver (colored) hardware, brown Spanish barrel. Just curious what it’s worth.
Check gunbroker and see what they normally go for. That gives you a ball park dollar value to consider. In the final analysis, it's only worth what someone is willing to give you.
As a flintlock (CVA's generally have flintlocks that don't perform to high expectations), the rifle has a bit of added value. With the large 58 caliber bore, there is added value. The Spanish barrel, while probably accurate if in good to excellent condition, detracts from the value as most American buyers want the US barrel. The CVA Mountain Rifle is generally well regarded, but that doesn't bring in a lot of high dollar offers. Worth about $250 and it may bring in $200 to $300 depending on the buying market.

You probably have a very nice gun, it's just not in high demand.
If Crankshaft can find me a Big Bore Mountain Rifle for $150 I will buy it on the spot (assuming the barrel is not toast). It depends on your local market but what I have seen $250 is a good deal and I have seen guys pay $450.
When you check out gunbroker be sure to look at the ones that actually sell, not just the sometimes ridiculous askin’ prices.
I had a CVA Mountain Rifle flinter in .50 Cal that I sold for $350 several months back. Was in pristine condition.

I seriously doubt you’ll find a .58 Cal Mountain Rifle flinter on GB. Those are extremely scares now days. I check out GB quite often and haven’t seen one of those in I don’t know when?

If it were me I’d ask $450 for it initially and see where that would get ya?

If it’s a .58 CVA Mountain Rifle flinter in excellent condition, you might very well get er sold pretty quick?

Just my two cents my friend. Good Luck.

Respectfully, Cowboy

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