High fenced property in Texas is one of the most hotly debated subjects there is and at times the discussion can become hostile.
"They are not to keep game in, they are to keep game out. Why out?"
Fences are put up to keep animals in and out. Depends on what the fence was put up for and the desired profit margin for the land that the owner wants.
Inside high fence, game breeders breed big bucks and then sell the hunting rights and cost on what the buck will score, the higher the score, the more you pay. A buck in the 200" range will run you about $7,000 to $9,500. Some bucks antlers are so large that at times they have to bring in a Vet. to cut them of since the deer cannot support it's antlers with it's neck muscles.
Those who raise and sell the hunting rights to exotics have a lot of money invested in their animals, thus need to keep a fence up to keep them in and also to keep predators out.
Not all ranches are 1,000 acres with high fence, some are as little as 100 acres.
Fair chase can only be defined by the hunter.