Please pardon the double post;
I just saw this depiction again tonight whilst looking for something else;
It was originally in a thread by Michael Tromner.
It is an illustration of a Lansknechts shooting accessoriess, from I believe the mid 1500's at latest.
Near the centre, we can clearly see a ball, sitting on Patching Material, that has obviously been cut before at the muzzle.
The material has circular cut-outs where the ball was seated in the barrel and the patch cut off.
This must be one of the earliest depictions of patches for smooth bores cut at the muzzle.
(I know of no Lansknecht's snap matchlocks that are rifled, but rifled arms Were known.)
Please see picture below.
Also, not the "wad" punch and the patches cut with this punch.
They are patches, as they are much larger than the ball, and very thin it appears.
.................On Third thought!...maybe the patches were punched from the material that the ball is sitting on, and Not cut at the muzzle.