This blade was found in a wall in a house that was built on the south plains of Texas in 1920. My dad bought the house in 1960 and tore it down to get the lumber in it. Just the blade with a thin brass guard was all that was found and it was completely coated with rust. There are no markings on the blade and I guess that if any were ever there they were etched and the rust took care of those. A spark test on the tang showed that it is made of fairly high carbon steel but that test can't show a whole lot. I removed all the rust and polished it up leaving the rust etched pits to show it was old and made a wooden handle for it.
My wife kept telling me I needed to do something to it because the wooden handle didn't look right. Last summer I removed the handle material (had to bust it off with a hammer) and started over. I had a stag crown that was really too large for most knives and also a little short for a handle. I made a new guard from 3/8" bronze and added a washer of fancy mesquite left from another knife project with a red spacer to make the antler piece long enough. This is the finished knife.
The last cold, snowy spell I sat down and made a sheath. The body is 4/5 OZ. veg. tan with the smooth side in and buckskin glued to that with Barge's cement. The trim is some oil tanned leather that I found in the scrap box with the buckskin. All the leather and related supplies came from S & D Trading Co. in Lubbock, TX. It's close enough to drive over there and pick out what I want.
I apologize for the quality of the pictures. First I needed a bigger rabbit for the background for a knife this size. :redface: Also, it is just too cold and nasty to go to the garage and get my light box so I turned on all the flouresent lights around the bar and took the pictures.
My wife kept telling me I needed to do something to it because the wooden handle didn't look right. Last summer I removed the handle material (had to bust it off with a hammer) and started over. I had a stag crown that was really too large for most knives and also a little short for a handle. I made a new guard from 3/8" bronze and added a washer of fancy mesquite left from another knife project with a red spacer to make the antler piece long enough. This is the finished knife.

The last cold, snowy spell I sat down and made a sheath. The body is 4/5 OZ. veg. tan with the smooth side in and buckskin glued to that with Barge's cement. The trim is some oil tanned leather that I found in the scrap box with the buckskin. All the leather and related supplies came from S & D Trading Co. in Lubbock, TX. It's close enough to drive over there and pick out what I want.

I apologize for the quality of the pictures. First I needed a bigger rabbit for the background for a knife this size. :redface: Also, it is just too cold and nasty to go to the garage and get my light box so I turned on all the flouresent lights around the bar and took the pictures.