A Tale of Two Scottish Pistols Photo Intensive

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45 Cal.
Jun 2, 2007
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With Apologies to Forum Member Alden for Appropriating His Style

Way back in 2011, I decided I wanted a Scottish snaphaunce pistol replica of one found in an ancient well in Jamestown, Virginia in 2006. A friend from another forum had found a maker producing one which led me to John Buck of the "Musket Mart" who has been mentioned in the forum from time to time. Mr. Buck was and still is, making a "replica" of said pistol so I contacted him. He said that he was very familiar with the folks at Jamestown who had found the pistol, Preservation Virginia, and that he had been able to get the dimensions of the pistol from them to make his copy. I looked at his web site and saw a pretty clear photo of his version and liked what I saw, for the most part. It had a snaphaunce lock - well it was a snaphaunce which had been modified a bit to turn it into a flintlock. There was no sliding pan cover, protruding sear, etc. but since I already had some rifles with similar locks that was no problem.

I had a hard time getting in touch with Mr. Buck. He did not return e-mail. Finally reached him by phone, found him interesting and we had a long talk about early firearms, etc. He required a 50% deposit of the purchase price which I promptly sent. His ETA for the finished piece was about three months as I recall.

Time passed and no gun. I called and e-mailed, but got no response. Finally reached him at something like five months in and he said he was working on it but had gotten very ill and was having treatments. OK, I understood and he gave me another ETA. More time passed with no gun. Started calling again and finally reached him. Well, times being tough, he had to take a day job. I understood that but was really wanting my gun. Working on it on the weekends and hoped to have it finished in a month or so. Needless to say, I did not receive the gun for about another eight months and believe that I only got it then because I called fairly often for updates. From time of order to receipt was 14 months.

When the gun arrived, I was disappointed. The gun I got generally resembles the sample on his web site but the stock configuration is more like a Spanish Escopeta than a Scottish or English fishtail butt and differs from the web site gun. The battery on the lock is nothing like the battery on the web site gun and is, IMHO, poorly made although it does spark fairly well. I have since learned that the battery on the web site gun is a Rifle Shoppe part. There were file marks everywhere on the gun especially on the reverse of the cock. The belt hook is crude. The octagonal section of the barrel is crudely filed as is the ring just ahead of it. He told me he used L. C. Smith shotgun barrels bought from Numrich Arms and modified but I am not sure of that at all. The bore is about .57 caliber. Overall fit and finish is mediocre at the very best and poor in spots. No real self-respecting Scottish smith would have let a gun out of his shop looking like this one.

What to do? I decided to keep it. Based on the way the transaction occurred, I doubted I would get my money back, at least without waiting for some time. I chalked it up to experience.

Recently I purchased another late 16th c. Scottish pistol from a gun maker friend of mine, Gulielmus Smith, who used to be a member of the forum. I already own four Scottish long guns by him so when he told me about the pistol I immediately purchased it. This is a gun that any Scottish smith would have been proud to offer his customer.

The piece has an ebonized walnut stock, .49 caliber, 11.5 inch barrel made by Gulielmus and an L & R flintlock which has been heavily modified to appear to be a 16th c. snaphaunce lock, down to the sliding pan cover (which does not slide). The lock is made to appear to have been modified to flintlock configuration at some time in the past complete with a plug filling the hole where the sear protruded through the lock plate. The cock and battery are appropriate to the date of the gun as is the shape of the fence on the pan. The delicate finials on the battery spring and the hammer stop are a nice touch as is the engraved comb and filing on the cock itself. Also note the decorative filing on the battery spring. The jaw screw is correct, extending from the lower jaw to the upper, secured by a nut and the shape of the nut is also correct. The battery is nicely filed and can be, if desired, pushed into a horizontal position on the battery spring as these ancient locks allowed and which served as a safety measure. In the case of the Musket Mart pistol, the only way to keep the battery upright is when it is closed on the pan. The trigger is the correct shape and size. The single ramrod thimble is nicely filed and the button on the well-made and sturdy ramrod is nicely turned. The barrel is correctly filed with round bands near the breech and muzzle. The muzzle is slightly flared. There are no file marks anywhere on the metal surfaces. Stock decoration is minimal, as it was on many of these very early Scottish-made guns. The stock architecture follows that of the oldest known pair of fishtail butt pistols which are housed in the Dresden, Germany historical museum. The carefully inlet tang is engraved with a floral design echoing the engraving on the lock plate and lock plate finial.

The overall impression of the GS piece is an historically correct, well-crafted pistol made by a smith who pays great attention to detail as well as being highly skilled in his craft.

The overall impression of the Musket Mart Jamestown pistol is that it was made by someone with an understanding of what the gun should look like but lacking the ability to turn that understanding into reality.

Here is the real issue, at least for me. The GS pistol cost just a few dollars over one-half of the cost of the Jamestown pistol. Of course that is my fault for buying the Musket Mart pistol but at the time GS was not making pistols, just long guns. I also expected more from the Jamestown pistol but got much less. I kept it and have had it for almost three years so it is now a permanent part of my collection, for good or ill, and I post this not to grouse and complain because it is my fault that I own it, but to point out that someone, even someone like me with 46 years of owning and shooting muzzle loaders can make a mistake.

Enjoy the photos of my new gun and feel free to respond sympathetically concerning my earlier purchase.






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BillinOregon said:
Congratulations on owning a Gulielmus! I would love to someday.

Thanks very much. I also own four long guns of his, all Scottish National pieces, three rifles and one smooth bore. At some point I will post photos of them. Right now I am looking for some lighting kits to improve my photographs, at least the lighting part. Don't know if I can do anything about my limited skills as a photographer.
A good friend has a great lighting set up. He made a 3 part folding screen from plywood and covered it with black cloth. Two work lights are 4 feet to each side of tripod mounted camera. The screen sits on a tall table and guns etc are placed on a rack. ...Tom
Thanks for the tip. I have tried a similar arrangement but the work lights really were not satisfactory. Most of my photography, at least of smaller objects, is done in our large guest bathroom, with a piece of foam core board over the counter and sink. There are two mirrors, an overhead light and two side lights which do pretty well but not the best. What I am considering is a kit or kits which I have seen on Amazon and a couple of other places which consist of umbrella style reflectors on stands and special bulbs which produce better light. They can be had pretty cheaply and a number of the kits have backgrounds and frameworks to hold them. Saw a similar setup at a lecture last Saturday. The speaker is a collector of very rare long rifles and he invited anyone in the area to bring their guns to be examined and about 15 showed up. He set up this little portable studio and took some pictures for his archives. I would like to be able to do the same thing.
My compliments to MacRob46 for "appropriating" my style.


I have to say I wouldn't be unhappy with Buck's gun just for what it is if I bought it having seen, handled, it first. Not as an exacting replica, though, no. While not as stark a night and Day (he hee) contrast as what compelled me to initiate my Tale of Two Calivers*, yours is a at least a dusk and dawn difference to be sure.

He had been able to produce guns at diferent levels, and some have sworn by Buck's stuff while everyone today understandably swears at him. I am correct as having always described his work as adequate. And I say that owning, I think offhand, five of them (most probably older than the kids here now) and with a years-old deposit on an accessory I'm sure I'll never see... Mr. Smith's here some of us watched being made -- and it is excellent.


*I have what I'd call a Buck caliver -- perhaps I shall update that thread with photos of one of his "turn-'em-out" pieces.
Hi Rob. Thanks for the interesting Post. My first impression is that the Buck pistol looks like an "attempt" at duplicating a Scottish pistol. Where as the GS pistol looks like a well crafted, accurate replica. And it's a beauty! :v Congratulations on the purchase.
The photos you Posted here are actually pretty good. You can see all the details of the pistols. I take photos in my dining room. It has an overhead hanging light with four 60 watt bulbs. But also a large window next to the table with blinds that let just the right amount of natural light in at certain hours of the day. One thing I have found, is that using a red or royal blue background helps to enhance the photos as well help to eliminate the shadows. Not perfect, but really helps. See below.
I've had a $1,000.00 deposit with Mr. Buck now for three and a half years. And not a single word from him. Even sent him a personal letter. I guess I better start calling. :cursing:
Rick. :hatsoff:
Ricky...for $1000 I would be filing a small claims action in Virginia. Virginia is a "creditor-friendly" state and if you have enough documentation to show that you have a contract with him to furnish the gun, which he has broken, you might be able to get a judgment against him. A judgment might attach some property or land (no pun intended) on his real estate and at some point you may get paid. I did this sort of thing in NC for a living for nine years, with limited experience in Virginia but some years back I started an action on a guy who had moved to Virginia and was not being responsive, got a judgment and was able to garnishee some of his income, which got his attention. If you decide to do something like that just avoid using an attorney unless the lawyer will take it on for the fees the court will grant him for representing you and only if he gets you your money back. Otherwise you may be able to file an action yourself, which is what I did.

Thanks for the comments on my photography. The background is actually a light blue but it only comes out if I edit the photo and for reasons of my own I did not edit these. I have some red material as well and have used it with good effect but switched colors this time.

I am indeed fortunate to have some of GS's work. He is an excellent craftsman.
Alden said:
My compliments to MacRob46 for "appropriating" my style.


I have to say I wouldn't be unhappy with Buck's gun just for what it is if I bought it having seen, handled, it first.

I was actually "content" with it for awhile but when I saw the GS gun in the flesh and did the math, I became much less content with the Buck gun. The price for what it was, was much too high and the gun is substandard - by my standard any way - work. As I said, this whole thing is my fault, so I have no room to complain.
LOL, that's kinda how I felt with the Pirate's guns.

I actually got them at a low price for what they were offering them for soon after. I was a guinea pig when they moved their store and put on a very bad intern. I was not gonna return them. My fault after all for buying them -- lesson learned that I could share, at least, with everyone here. But...

The more I looked at them, the more I compared them to other guns including one of John Buck's (which is no great shakes) you shall soon see in that thread, the more I thought about TRYING to fire them, that much more insulted and angry at being taken advantage of I became so back they went...

Unlike TVM they did not string me along with false promises to make things right, they just denied from the start there was anything wrong with them, even sending me pictures of how to set the match, and that's when they were returned.

To Mr. Smith as a Master, John Buck is a Journeyman at least whilst the Pirates are all Apprentices.
Alden said:
To Mr. Smith as a Master, John Buck is a Journeyman at least whilst the Pirates are all Apprentices.

You are being exceptionally generous to the Pirates.
Unreal is my first comment Nice to see someone as keen about Scots arms I have made numbers of long arms and three Lemon butts & an All steel issue example. I have the brls made & stocked for fishtails but in a light wood .I've since got some brazil wod I cant legaly make fireing pistols The one I illustrate is a prop , but did make two like it for the US market. One my own got first price at Dixons in' Journey man' 'class ( Ide never presume to be' Master' & long since past' apprentice' (so few are as "journey man' as me !) .of long guns true Snaphance & up dated pieces I've made 4 or five . One I offered the RA they wanted it but the minnions wanted to make an expensive meal out of what was a gift (More un bloody real !) I do have one musket I made for a patron later gifted to the RA & the minnions made a fuss over that but its in the RA at Leeds (A'Lawrence.s' pattern East India Coy musket) The two shown have no patron and are a handed pair The Dixons assessors all well familiar with the US style couldn't figure why the thistle muzzle had Knurling ! (It was my hand filed ) and thought the engraveing was' from another hand ' Well I'e only got two so I seemed to get them foxed . I could do big steel heart butts Ive studied these arms the rifles I hunted with one true Snaphance the other an' up dated ' English lock with dog 'used brass bands /Capucines as the old barrel is rather thin. You know that so few survive its a rash man that says there where no other styles . I've even made conjectoral Scot's Lunt werk' wiil send this for now supposed to be a PM not sure if it got that way . pics then later .Regards Rudyard
Unreal is my first comment Nice to see someone as keen about Scots arms I have made numbers of long arms and three Lemon butts & an All steel issue example. I have the brls made & stocked for fishtails but in a light wood .I've since got some brazil wod I cant legaly make fireing pistols The one I illustrate is a prop , but did make two like it for the US market. One my own got first price at Dixons in' Journey man' 'class ( Ide never presume to be' Master' & long since past' apprentice' (so few are as "journey man' as me !) .of long guns true Snaphance & up dated pieces I've made 4 or five . One I offered the RA they wanted it but the minnions wanted to make an expensive meal out of what was a gift (More un bloody real !) I do have one musket I made for a patron later gifted to the RA & the minnions made a fuss over that but its in the RA at Leeds (A'Lawrence.s' pattern East India Coy musket) The two shown have no patron and are a handed pair The Dixons assessors all well familiar with the US style couldn't figure why the thistle muzzle had Knurling ! (It was my hand filed ) and thought the engraveing was' from another hand ' Well I'e only got two so I seemed to get them foxed . I could do big steel heart butts Ive studied these arms the rifles I hunted with one true Snaphance the other an' up dated ' English lock with dog 'used brass bands /Capucines as the old barrel is rather thin. You know that so few survive its a rash man that says there where no other styles . I've even made conjectural Scot's Lunt werk' wiil send this for now supposed to be a PM not sure if it got that way . pics then later .Regards Rudyard
Well a big zero reply .Odd but I didn't add picks or they didn't reach since I describe them. Ime still here Should there be SOME response Ile send fresh pics . Rudyard

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