I'll start by saying I know a professional hobby-like candle maker (she makes a living, but badly) so I already know all the things to avoid to maintain marital harmony (SWMBO is a redheaded Puerto Rican and I have the bruises to prove it).
Questions -
1 - Suggestions on starting ratio for Crisco and beeswax for use in hot hot humid weather (N Central Florida summer time in the sun with a 35 minute drive in a hot car to the range)
2 - I'm planning on VERY small batches at first, 2-3oz max. I'm also planning to mix up a few different batches. Can I add a drop of food coloring to the mix to color it so I can identify and remember what batch is which?
3 - Different lube consistency for use w/ PRB vs other uses (maxis, felt wads) - I'm thinking thinner is OK for PRB use and thicker is better for the others, especially if applied while hot/warm and especially if I'm doing this for hot weather use.
4 - planning on 2 melt pots in a double boiler or on a heating plate (house torn apart for renovation at the moment, such fun!), one for wax and one for crisco, then mixing in liquid state by volume in the destination container
5 - I asked in #1, but as I type this and think, I'm thinking I'm gonna do 3 batches at first unless answers to #1 direct otherwise, but a 50/50 mix, a 25/75 and a 75/25 and see what that gets me for lubing maxis (planning on shooting a bunch Sunday)