What steps do you take to put the dark aged look with a flame on antler? I tried it once with a candle with no luck. Before I try a torch and screw it up is there something I missed?
I tried the "magic mapple" liquid from dunlap woodcraft, the result is really nice. The product is originaly made for wood but works fine on bone, horn, antler...
Does not directly answer your question, but maybe that could help.
after a few minutes web search. I only found one reference to flame darkening antler. It only gave one sentence about using a torch to darken and harden antler on knife handle slabs. My suspicion is that it would nearly be burned fairly dark to be effective and then scrub/rub/sand/ or polish it back to lighten to suit your tastes.
What I would do is try a small piece or two of scrap of antler first before your char your project. Torch one piece fast, hot and dark and burn one piece slower with the flame much farther away for a longer heat time. Hope this helps and good luck.
Wayne no matter what technique ya finally try, if you are going to use heat on antler DO IT OUTSIDE!!!!! If ya don't ,your significant other will be sleeping by herslf in a high dollar hotel until the smell goes away n that could take weeks. Nothing stinks like burnt bone, antler and horn EEEEEYYYYUUUKKKK!!!!!!!
the wood stain will work but may rub off with use at least to some degree . You may want to try sealing it after you have stained it and have the look you want. I had a friend try the prod called Old Bones wich I belive is a diluted form of Potassium Permanganate. The torch method sounds intresting
Wayne, I use a propane torch quite regularly for ageing antler; just play the flame all over and don't hold it in one spot for too long.The more you play it, the darker it will get. The heat will really dry it out so I always give a good coat of linseed oil or beeswax after I get it to a good color, then polish it with a piece of flannel.