Almost finished with the New Underhammer

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70 Cal.
Sep 4, 2004
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Greetings all. Since Deer Creek went away with the H&A Underhammers I found another place to get actions. Muzzleloader Building Supply. Or is it Muzzleloading Building Supply? Memory is fading!

At any rate, the action is cast steel and is quite large compared to the H&A's. It cost me about $60.00 US. First off I want to say, this is not a kit gun. You'll need access to a machine shop.

I had John Taylor in Toledo, Wa. put it together for me. I inletted the rear stock which I also purchased from the company. I told them to cut it at the action for an underhammer. I had to inlet the upper and lower tang. Not fun.

John had to harden the hammer and heat treat the trigger guard to turn it into a spring. I had him purchase a .45 cal. fast twist barrel. I can't recall the exact rate of twist. It was something like 1:24" It's basically a Sharps twist. The last couple of inches on the barrel were cut off to make a bullet sizer. The total length of the barrel is 32". It started out as 1.25" round. It ended up with it being round to octagon to a wedding band then tappered round down to .95".

It is held in place by four set screws. The breach plug also has four matching holes for the screws to set into. This will at least get me in the right area for a better zero when I take the barrel off. The front sight is a Lyman globe sight. The rear tang sight is an out of date T/C sight. Here are some of the photos. The forend stock is not finished but I put it on so you could get a general idea. I'm trying to get it put together so I can get to the range. Missing are thimbles which John will be making for me. I'll need to make another road trip to his shop.



Very nice! Be sure to let us know how it
snake-eyes :hatsoff:
That is one beautiful gun! Good job on it. I also like your gun stand, good way to display the rifle...
sweet, if it shoots 1/2 as good as it looks you got it made. underhammers are the best looking percussion rifles (in my humble opinion), but i am biased. :grin:
that is a fine looking rifle i really like the stock i bet it was a pain to inlet, but looks like you done a great job /havent had my u/h to long but i love it. :thumbsup:
GMWW: WOW! Very few underhammers seem to have much aesthetic harmony, but yours certainly does. That buttstock is a thing of beauty, and the barrel contour oozes good taste. Can't wait to see it "all up" and hear some range reports. Ought to make a very nice 40-rod gun, and a hunter, too.
Thanks all. Two bellys the inletting is probably not so bad for most. For me on the other hand I'm very new to wood working. My tools are pretty limited. Bought a bunch of chisels for this job.

Bill of Oregon, thanks. I was thinking you'd be interested as I read you also have an action. I like the four screw set up John did. I was trying to offer what I knew about Underhammers in the LRML group but I'm not one of the regulars and probably came across as background noise. :yakyak:

I'm crossing my fingers on the sight set up. John checked it on a bore sight and at the lowest setting of the rear sight it's on target. I'm hoping because its a ML it will all work out. Otherwise I might have to come up with something.

The idea for this was to be able to lob shots way way out there. 1000 yards would be a dream but heck it would sure be great. At paper of course. I'm planning on 405 grn. and 500 grn. bullets.

John squeazed the bullet sizer a couple of thous. tighter than the bore. I just need to get me some molds. I may go out and shoot some Maxi-balls just for kicks.

Thanks for the fine pictures along with your post. I never really studied the action on an underhammer until I saw your photos and now I want to build one. I appreciate the information.
Thanks, the gun is quite simple in its mechanics. A good read about the history with lots of pictures is a book called, The Pictorial History of the Underhammer Gun By Herschel C. Logan.

It's out of print but I'd check your local library. I was able to buy one online. Took some searching for a good deal though. :thumbsup:
Another great one Glen, one thing I belive the prints I sent you for this one was out of Muz Blast :hmm: I could be wrong! But I did send those to John to build our two, mine has gone a different way and will be of intrest to see when this one I got gets done, Ive gone short barrel and fullstock look. :thumbsup: A+ on yours guy. If it wasnt for cost, about 2 to 3 times of a H+A these would realy stand out, I didnt think the action for a 50 pound slug rifle would work in these lite weight jobs :rotf: . Again great work Glen. Fred :hatsoff:
Yep still got that stuff you sent Fred. Just got to figure out where I put it. :hmm: I just weighed the gun, 8 lbs.

Not too bad. Of course I havent put on the thimbles and brass ramrod yet. I figure it will be about 9 lbs. giver or take. :)
That gun is turning out gorgeous! What a fun project. If that rear sight is the one that T/C made for the Seneca/Cherokee, would you happen to know where I might find one?
Not sure what gun the rear sight was made for other than it was a T/C. I see them from time to time on ebay. I happened upon this one in a local gun shop in his old sight bin. Being that my tang didn't have any pre-drilled holes I figured what the heck.
I'll try again this thing goes ERROR when I try to put something up (just on this site) 8 pounds :rotf: my barrel is that much and just 25" long. I do like your barrel and sight set up I drove John nuts indenting the top and puting on a MBS old time peep sight. Fred :hatsoff: IT WORKED :shocked2:
I was surprised how light it was. The only concern I have is the nipple hole comes right to the end of the breach plug. I'm hoping it wont be a problem with crud build up as I shoot multiple times and swab between shots.

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