I have tried using green leaves from weeds for wadding when shooting shot from a smoothbore. It makes for a terrible smelling residue in the bore of the gun. The residue is a lot "thicker" than the usual crud. I would imagine that aloe will do the same.
Don't know,Greybard.....but at least you're using your brain to think and question :winking:. Wisdom comes with advancing age,you know :grin:.
Aloe works great on minor burns,cuts and scrapes and I'm sure that you know that. That little Mexican Gal I married about a hundred years ago keeps a few plants around for first aid on our Grandbaby's injuries!
was told once that shooting a wild tomato out of a ML will help clean the powder fowling out of the bore. Any one ever done it? :bull: or :hatsoff: , :hmm:
was told once that shooting a wild tomato out of a ML will help clean the powder fowling out of the bore. Any one ever done it? :bull: or :hatsoff: , :hmm:
that goo works very good on burns...save the plant for medicinal purposes and lube your patch with something else...if you get a burn you'll be glad to have it