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Alpha gal strikes again!

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Sam squanch

69 Cal.
Oct 9, 2019
Reaction score
Be quite sure to check for ticks. I have been hit with the tick virus alpha gal once again. Severe itching, hives, bad headache, chills, wheezing and shortness of breath just about did me in. I had it a while ago, but I was told I was very susceptible to getting it again- and I did. I blame all the yard work. No beef, venison, squirrel, pig, no mammal by products either. Oddly enough, I can have monkey meat and human meat…..but this is no joke, get the test! Could save your life.
Our last home was nestled against a large water authority property which was planted in pines and very rarely managed. Deer, various small animals and ticks were in abundance. Current home used to be the chauffer's house on a large estate. The place is 65 acres of lawns and formal gardens. Although we do see deer and other animals finding a tick is almost unheard of. I guess lawns and clean gardens are not good tick habitat.
I’ve been treating my clothes with permethrin every hunting season because of this
That works but it does not prevent ticks from getting into your hair and/or just above the collar area.

I still spray down. The last thing I need is to not be able to eat meat. A friend just came down with it.

I’m already legally disabled from a severe case of RMSTF. It’s been years now and I’m still not over it. Comes and goes at will. Whenever it decides to hit, I’m down until it’s over for a while.

It’s nothing to get ticks on the body by simply going outside here. Don’t have to go into the woods or fields.
That works but it does not prevent ticks from getting into your hair and/or just above the collar area.

I still spray down. The last thing I need is to not be able to eat meat. A friend just came down with it.

I’m already legally disabled from a severe case of RMSTF. It’s been years now and I’m still not over it. Comes and goes at will. Whenever it decides to hit, I’m down until it’s over for a while.

It’s nothing to get ticks on the body by simply going outside here. Don’t have to go into the woods or fields.
When I’m hunting, I generally have my neck and head covered with an item sprayed down. Summer time, when I’m tempted to not where long clothing, is when I’m vulnerable. I’ve sprayed down my skin, just not sure if it’s entirely thorough
I’ve been treating my clothes with permethrin every hunting season because of this
Not that you'll want to read this... but permethrin (along with Paraquat and 2,4-D ("weed & feed") is believed to be one of the pesticides that triggers Parkinson's disease. I've got a father-in-law suffering from it now. Grandfather had it, as did my wife's grandfather (who was a blueberry farmer that most likely used Paraquat). Rates are shooting up fast, too. I suppose with Lyme and Alpha-gal, it's a matter of pick-your-poison. Might be advisable to just go with the repellants over the (much more convenient) permethrin.
Be quite sure to check for ticks. I have been hit with the tick virus alpha gal once again. Severe itching, hives, bad headache, chills, wheezing and shortness of breath just about did me in. I had it a while ago, but I was told I was very susceptible to getting it again- and I did. I blame all the yard work. No beef, venison, squirrel, pig, no mammal by products either. Oddly enough, I can have monkey meat and human meat…..but this is no joke, get the test! Could save your life.
I have read about an acupuncture procedure that will reset the body's allergic response and cure the no meat effect from Alpha Gal. This was on a bow hunting board when someone asked the question on what to do, several people posted that they had a friend that had Alpha Gal, had the procedure and could eat meat.

When I was a kid is was almost expected any time you went i to the woods you would get covered up with ticks here in east texas. The only up side of the fire ants is I have not seen a tick in 10 years
We have lots of fire ants in Florida and we still have an abundance of ticks. My wife picked 2 off my back yesterday.
Sorely afflicted by a famous (?) defoliant lovingly named "Agent Orange", I tend to stay away from herbicides, etc. Which is kinda difficult for a wetlands and wildlife biologist.
But I didn't always know about the AO.
Seems the defoliant dripped off the trees and such, and eventually washed into the Tonkin Gulf. Navy ships distill freshwater from saltwater, but did not remove the defoliant. So daily, we drank, and showered in the damn stuff.
2008, I got sidelined by severe spinal problems and two heart attacks. No more 2-week field trips in swamps, forests, and jungles. Still miss that that to this day!
On a wildlife survey in the Amazon, I camped solo for three weeks. There had been a sloth in the trees above my campsite, and after the third day, she came down and met me. Did you know they descend to go potty? She also came down to watch me every morning. Very good, fast swimmer!
So, I miss all that.
In 2018 I started going to the VA. They discovered the heart attacks, and found a hole in my left atrium - fixed all in a long open-heart procedure. And my neurologist diagnosed me as an Agent Orange patient. Dang stuff has my neuro system, joints, and pulmonary all fouled up. And every sailor aboard that carrier has been approved for disability ratings.
So no permithrin, etc., for me. A light dusting of "Off", and a good search for ticks.
You can still eat chicken, turkey, and fish. And monkey if you can get it….i guess a trip to the St. Louis zoo is in order….🤫
My pal, a Viet combat vet, shared after- action photos that showed NVA having Crossbows; to shoot monkeys for meals! Quiet, wouldn't attract attention or scare the other monkeys!