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Alpine training

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62 Cal.
Dec 10, 2005
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Sombody brought up training for hunting season.
I lift weights and hike peaks all summer with my wife and kid, when I can't get in a long work out I throw two twenty lb sand bags in my ruck sack and hike 2,000 ft off the hill I live on then hike back up take about and hour.
Here is my kid and I hiking the 12,200 ft peak behind our house.


I start guiding archery on the 27th and muzzleloader starts in one month so if any of you are coming out to hunt I hope you are in shape cuz elk huntin' ain't no vacation!
Nathan that sure is pretty country you live in. Glad to see a man taking time with his kids, there are so many nowdays that just buy em a video game so they dont have to mess with them so I salute you :hatsoff: :hatsoff: :hatsoff:
Well fella, ain't no point in dying cause you're already in Heaven. Great pics, thanks.
GMBoy, great pics as always! Your little girl gets cuter all the time. :thumbsup:

I've been hitting the weights and doing some biking and hiking to get ready. Looking forward to the archery opener. My scouting so far says the elk are still scattered and wandering widely in my hunt area.

Most of the lodgepoles are dead and the feed under the dead trees allows the elk and deer to make a good living just about anywhere. Lots of mushrooms as of last week.

Good luck with your hunters and in filling your freezer too. :thumbsup:
I've been grinding out the miles on my bike all summer.

Every time I start up one of our little PA mountains I tell myself there's an elk up there on top.

Shooting the .62 every chance I get.

Joking with the boys last week. Told them I didn't wanna run the elk down. Just wanted to get close enough to shoot at em!

GMB - Really enjoy your photos.

Looking forward to hearing about everybody's hunt.

Post some pics Hey!

Good luck all!

Went up to 10,000 ft today, nothing moving. The elk are really hard to get at when it's hot. I did see two does, but not much else.
I did some shooting first, the wind was howling so I quit.
I should've started earlier.
Nothing was moving when I scouted last week either. Was in the heat of the midday. Only saw tracks.

Spent the week end at Grand Lake and took the obligaory drive in the park. No elk in the valley, only moose. Did not go up onto trail ridge. Another scout reported many elk at and above timberline in the Park.

Some have heard some early bugling in the West Elks. GMBoy would know more about that.
Here is a pic of some poop along the trail. That's my size 13 there for perspective. See how it looks like it's full of hair? At first I thought, dang, maybe there are some wolves running out here. :shocked2: Closer inspection showed it was bear poop full of grass. :redface: :haha:

That kid is growing up in a very different way from the majority of them nowdays. Bet she grows up to be a very well adjusted adult and a woman who runs with the wolves. Great to see, warms my heart. :hatsoff:
It wouldn't be a surprise to see bear scat full of hair, they are scavengers. I saw the same on my foray last week, figured it was either bear or cat.
It's sure nice to be in the high country again, since my hip replacement, my journyes have been few. I heard no bugling yesterday, but they could be one moraine over and you wouldn't hear it anyway. There are some glacial ponds not too far from where I was, but I was too tuckered to investigate. Tomorrow.
It was definetly grass. Was old stuff. They like to graze on grass the first part of the year.

The old saw about black bears being dangerous right after hibernation due to their hunger is a complete falacy. When they first emerge they go light on the feed and prefer grasses. Their version of Ex Lax. :haha:

The feeding nuttiness comes on in late August and continues into early October. That's when I'll be guarding the berry patch. :haha:
marmotslayer said:
GMBoy, great pics as always! Your little girl gets cuter all the time. :thumbsup:

I've been hitting the weights and doing some biking and hiking to get ready. Looking forward to the archery opener. My scouting so far says the elk are still scattered and wandering widely in my hunt area.

Most of the lodgepoles are dead and the feed under the dead trees allows the elk and deer to make a good living just about anywhere. Lots of mushrooms as of last week.

Good luck with your hunters and in filling your freezer too. :thumbsup:

Morning buddy,
Man the shrooms are rockin'!! I will post some pics next time I get out pickin'. My wife and I brought home 10lbs of King Baleats(sorry,spelling)
It's so wet over here in Gunnison that there is feed every were and elk are not in their historical high alpine summer ranges. We were camped at 10,000 ft in a vally floor and elk were running through camp all night.
Nothing like hot days and a full moon to change their habits. :)

Another thing I saw on my scout was a huge dead cat in the middle of the trail. First thought it was a bobcat, but it had a long tail. Had been dead for a long time. I think someone did the environment a favor and whacked it. :haha:

Boreal forest where I hunt.


I may be wrong, but I think this is bear scat.

The elk have been frequenting this meadow. They have everything here, there is water about 100 yards away.

Look at the size of this stump!! TO give it perpective, it's about 3 feet in diameter. My dad told me of a tree that he and his three brothers could not link arms around. But he wouldn't tell me where it was. Just the vicinity. I'm gonna take my wife up and see if we can find it.
thats beautiful country all right. coming on 7 weeks now, but I aint counting :rotf:

I've got 80lbs in the pack and doing 2 hours of trails on the hill behind my house a day or two a week, plus running an hour 3x per week and some weights...if nothing else, this elk hunt has got me in better shape than I've been in for a while.

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