Also considering quitting due to >>>

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I considered quitting eating when my wife put us on Keto. Of course the upside of putting good stuff in my belly along with the wife telling me to quit snarling at everyone eventually overcame my irritation at watching the folks at the table next to me eating all those French Fries....
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It's a good thing some of our earlier black powder affecianado's weren't averse to politics. For the life of me I do not see how some people can become upset over something they are free to read, ignore, and move on.
I read things many here that are bad information on muzzleloading in my "opinion", I read it, it seems to be wrong or off but popularly accepted. Do I take issue with it, no, do I accept it as righteous, no, do I sigh and move on, YES! what's the big deal! Grow up.
I got fed up hearing about the flu crap. That’s why I quit news mostly. No more politics was just an extra bonus for tuning out. My wife still watches. I told her to let me know when Armageddon comes so I can pack extra lead and powder in my bag. Might want some jerky too. :)
This thread is a good example of the sort of a political discussion I think we CAN have. It's a thread ABOUT politics, not one advocating one particular political position or another.

With those whom I disagree (politically) with, I KNOW I'm not going to change their minds and make them hoist the white flag on their firmly held positions, but I try to respect their views. If we are engaged in an adversarial position about a topic, I politely ask them why they feel as they do about a particular matter. If they dodge the question then I just move on, but I always try to respect their view point. Very often those very same people are irrationally intolerant of any other viewpoints other than their own in the first place. We are all that way to some degree or another, but some more than others.

Those sorts of people can best be characterized as; "Virtuecrats", a term first coined in 1563. The essence of it is; their arguments are better than yours because their opinions are better than yours, because they are better people than you for having them, and they will always have the higher moral ground.
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I enjoy the forum , because I stay out of any political discusions. Just like at rendezvous where we don't talk about any presidents after Jackson , or political actions after the removal act of 1838. Speaking of Jackson............
I once thought about quitting, but another forum member convince me not to.
Probably regrets that now. :)

Always follow your heart, it's what makes you happy.
Due to the constant pollution of political crap into this terrific forum!
Stay away from the civil war posts. However, I have seen more arguing and disagreement in the 3F vs. 4F post than in anything else, (cept the civil war). And then there is the bore using oil vs no petroleum product disagreement. Then there is the Tacks - no tacks discussion. And of course, the other big one, flint vs. cap. The world is full of disagreement, State any believed fact, and there will be someone calling you a liar. Now I know that you said political crap. But does crap smell any different if it's political.
As a practical matter I think it is a little a bit of a stretch to have a firearms related forum while at the same time, declaring "Politics" off limits. Keep in mind everything as in Every Thing in recent decades has been politicized, even the weather.
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Don't want to upset anyone but never realized there were that many thin skinned folks here. Kind of like I do not like what I see so I will take my toys and go home. Intellectual spoken re-course is the learning spectrum that makes us better understanding, the worst thing that can happen is we may learn something important.
Well. Ain't this a fine kettle of fish?

A thread in the General Muzzleloading section that really has nothing at all to do with muzzleloading and every thing to do with politics.

Talking about politics is the exact thing the OP was complaining about.

To give you my views on the subject, if anyone posts anything about modern Republicans, Democrats, Commies, liberals, conservatives or the like, they are talking about politics and I will remove their post(s) if they are outside the Premium Member section.

If they make a comment about how current laws effect you, I don't consider that to be political unless it gets into talking about what group of people made those laws. I think discussing who made the laws and why is political discussion.
It's not always a black/white decision. There is a lot of gray areas so I look for the context not only of what was said in a post but how it fits in with the other posts that were made.

Anyway, before this thread becomes political, I'm going to close it.
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