36 Cl.
Wow, son of a gun... In light of that I reckon I'll be going my .58 on the next hunt. Maybe I'll upgrade to something bigger. Shame.
While I'm sure these events happen, I hardly think they are "common" as stated in the article. Still everyone should approach downed game with caution. I always look for breathing and also, are the eyes open and unblinking. Then I touch the eye with a long branch. If there's no blink, it's dead.
Reminds me of Mark Twain’s nothing shoots as well as the unloaded gun. The boy that can’t hit the side of a barn can peg grand ma every time with an unloaded gun.There is a saying among many olde time hunters that 'the most dangerous animal is a dead one'. Of course that means a animal that looks dead can still be presumably dangerous.
Always reload and carry a side arm, 44 cap and ball loaded to the gills. I have been made fun of for walking up behind the game and poking it in the butt two or three times. Adds meaning to double bump. Shame a good hunt ended in tragedy, be careful, be safe.A muzzle loader died after being attacked by a deer he shot. Take the time to reload and approach shot game with caution. Consider carrying a side arm.
He shot an elk with his J&S Hawken .54 and walked up on the downed bull without reloading. It started to get up. He didn't have a pistol so without thinking he swung his rifle like a ball bat, holding it by the muzzle.
That reminds me of the time I trapped a mink. Tipped it into a sack from the live trap and gave its head a couple of knocks. Tipped it out the sack and reset the trap. All done went back to dead mink, mink gone. My dog finds it very much alive and hanging off dog. I grabs it's back legs and my 6" buck special slices open it chest exposing a beating heart and lungs!Not a deer or anything that could hurt me. I am put in mind of an opossum that we got when a friend and I were running a trap line. Got one of the biggest opossum I had ever seen. I clubbed it in the head and put it in my basket. Later I felt it moving, clubbed it again. We got back to the truck and went to a quick stop and got a cup of coffee. When we came out ‘possum had crawled past the outer animals in my basket and was crawling about in the back of the truck. Beat its head to mush.
Went back home to the skinning party for the morning and when we got to the ‘possum he was still alive. We shot it in the brain stem, tried to crush its chest and finally ended skinning it alive.
It’s brain had to be destroyed, and be beyond pain, but we just couldn’t kill it.
Life can be pretty tough.