American Primeval on Netflix

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Watched it all yesterday , and it's a really well done, series, especially for 2024 . For anyone wondering because it is a Netflix series, there is no "agenda" being pushed at you like you'd expect.

On the firearms side of things it shows a mix of caplock rifles and flintlock rifles but mostly you see the1851 Navy, though I sware I saw a few brass framed versions which I didn't think were produced in 1857. There is a scene where they empty their pistols and fumble to reload at night on horseback with cold hands, an accurate detail. No pistol shot more than 6 shots which made more believable than the usual endless firing six gun of other movies.

I give it two thumbs up and highly recommended it.
I binge watched the entire series last night like a drunken sailor hitting port after six weeks at sea and bleary eyed at 6 am this morning and hoping the coffee kicks in before I get to work …want another one!
I binge watched the entire series last night like a drunken sailor hitting port after six weeks at sea and bleary eyed at 6 am this morning and hoping the coffee kicks in before I get to work …want another one!
Ya, I never do that but I had the time so I watched two episodes in the morning and the last four later that evening. It drew me in so much it didn't feel like four hours.
Lately, I’ve been reflecting on how shows like American Primeval portray the brutal realities of history. Yes, the violence and destruction can feel gratuitous at times, but I believe they serve a deeper purpose. They force us to confront the hardships of the past—not as entertainment to revel in, but as a way to better understand the struggles, sacrifices, and pain that shaped the world we live in.

It’s not that I enjoy watching the suffering depicted on screen. If anything, it’s often uncomfortable. But that discomfort has value. It reminds us that history wasn’t just a series of victories or romanticized ideals. It was a lived experience for countless people, many of whom endured unthinkable hardship.

While these portrayals may offer moments of dramatic tension or cinematic artistry, they also challenge us to empathize with those who lived through those times. They ask us to reflect on what humanity is capable of—both the good and the terrible—and perhaps take away lessons that resonate today.
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While these portrayals may offer moments of dramatic tension or cinematic artistry, they also challenge us to empathize with those who lived through those times. They ask us to reflect on what humanity is capable of—both the good and the terrible—and perhaps take away lessons that resonate today.
However, insightful your thoughts are here, I seriously doubt the writers had that thought in mind.
However, insightful your thoughts are here, I seriously doubt the writers had that thought in mind.
With respect, Andy… why does it matter whether the writers had that thought in mind? Art, including storytelling, often resonates in ways beyond the creators’ original intent. The interpretation and the impact on the audience can be just as important as what the creators were consciously aiming for. Isn’t that part of what makes storytelling meaningful?
If you like watching violence and bloodshed with throat slitting of women and hacking people in the face with tomahawks, this show is for you and you're a sick ba$tard! Not for me...
I'm pretty sure alot of people living in those times said pretty much the same, yet what happened still happened.
With respect, Andy… why does it matter whether the writers had that thought in mind? Art, including storytelling, often resonates in ways beyond the creators’ original intent. The interpretation and the impact on the audience can be just as important as what the creators were consciously aiming for. Isn’t that part of what makes storytelling meaningful?
You are correct every viewer or reader interprets the story in their own way.
I watched it all and was a good use of time on cold winter nights. Next thing ya know I came across Horizon on Netflix. It’s a 3 hr movie. So far so good. It’s a Costner directed movie and you know him and the western genre get along pretty well.
A bit preemptive as this new miniseries does not become available on NetFlix until January 9, but you might want to put it on your radar screen. The writer is the same as the writer for "The Revenant". Peter Berg is Producer/Director. Taylor Kitsch plays main character (known for playing LT Murphy in "Lone Survivor". Time frame is 1857. Fingers crossed for a good flick.
I just finished reading “Under the Banner of Heaven, A story of a violent faith”. In that book it goes over the Meadows
massacre, which is central to theme of this film.
I just finished reading “Under the Banner of Heaven, A story of a violent faith”. In that book it goes over the Meadows
massacre, which is central to theme of this film.
I meant to read that when it came, love the author, Krakour

I binged the last four episodes last night, finishing about 2:30. It was well worth it. For all the talk about the violence, the end was able to convey a sense of family, care and humanity.
I’ll stop there so as not to spoil anything. It was well worth the time watching as it really does cover a period that is not often addressed by Hollywood.
I enjoyed it. I would love to see a series based on the Lewis and Clark corps of discovery. I grew up in western SD and currently live in eastern MT, grew up where Hugh Glass was mauled by the grizz and currently hunt and fish the Yellowstone where Clark floated by.
I’m betting that the Morman community didn’t give the show 2 thumbs up 👍 👍. Years ago I bought a VHS movie for $1 in the mark down bin titled “Avenging Angel” about one of Brigham Young’s bodyguard/enforcers who I believe carried the short barreled 1860 Colt Army. Best of my recollection the movie was not very good but it was the first time that I was made aware of the violence that the Mormans were capable of during that time.
The AI generated arrows whizzing about in American Primeval made the little hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I liked the show. My wife (she said that it was almost too gruesome) and I watched it over 2 nights. My hearing aids are down for the count so some of the dialogue whizzed right by me like the AI arrows.

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