Watched the entire show in one sitting, am amazed at how far cinematography has come since I began enjoying moving pictures in the 1950's when revolvers were called "forty-fives" because they fired forty-five times without reloading and heroes' hats never fell off during bar fights. This presentation was, in my opinion, one of the most addictive series around. Characterization - including people unbathed for many days, excellent attention to set details, harsh conditions, etc. tools, kerosene & candle lighting effects, - is really good.
There's a scene where a family of criminals exist to prey upon travelers is straight out of history - check out a family named Bender and actual river pirates elsewhere. Life in the 19th century wasn't "Doc and Miss Kitty". Many single women had to resort to prostitution to merely exist. The "Indian Wars" were the longest war fought in American history. Slavery existed among indigenous people long before Europeans arrived and unbridled cruelty a normal thing on any "side" we wish to examine.
Missouri's state government participated in what was called the "Morman War" when our governor called upon the state militia to run them out of the state. The show isn't suitable for very young children, but should be included in college level history courses with appropriate footnotes. I'll watch it again.