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I got into ML firearms because of the history and tradition surrounding them. I did Civil War reenactments then French & Indian War etc. I find the new In Line ML to be just a way around the laws, so some yahoo can hunt more. Pls no stories about living off the land and animals that are shot etc. for every person who really does that there are tens of thousands who do not. In Line MLs are as accurate as a modern rifle out to 150 -200 yds. They are scoped etc, have tuned triggers etc etc. What is the point? It is just a means to get around the law! I hunted using a Browning model 78, single shot rifle. Sure I could reload faster, but never needed to. Using an In Line is the same thing. Rarely will you need to reload. I believe that In Lines should not be allowed during ML season. If people like them so much, use it during the regular season. LOL, see how many takers we would have then!
What Laws. ??
States have laws around what type of firearm can be used during what season. I am sure you know that. Penna has two ML seasons, A ML season and a Primitive season. You can not use InLInes during the Primitive season. An InLine is just designed to provide the same advantage as a modern rifle accept you load from the front. It defeats the entire spirit of using ML firearms , IMHO
I guess I am wondering why do we care? Like trying to argue "how many Angels can dance on the head of a pin?" who really cares?
Well then why did you participate by insisting that "The patch is a patch as you stated, not a sabot." Apparently you cared at that point. 😂😂😂
Actually it’s academic, my apologies for muddying the waters. It’s a slow day here in SW Florida. .

I do however get a little confused on some of the “ restrictions” applied to “muzzle” loading firearms and the down right animosity towards
some aspects of more modern approaches to the sport.

I’d be willing to bet as many games animals are brought down annually with the modern stuff as the traditional stuff. Each has its place.

Actually when this site was formed, one of the largest, if not the largest company making "modern muzzleloaders" that used the ammunition that is verboten, was actively trying to get traditional sidelock rifles that use round ball, BANNED. One fellow was the prime advocate for this, and then it was discovered that a certain company was the number one monetary sponsor of this fellow. There was no "live and let live", so those that made this site, so I am told, made it for Traditional muzzleloaders, and specified what that meant for those participating here..., and thus modern variations and the modern ammunition was disallowed.

How may animals are harvested by modern methods with de-evolved engineering to meet a written legal requirement of particular state game laws was not, and still is not, a factor.

I hope that clears up the confusion. Because of this fellow's activity, although it ended some years ago, we still hear those that use these modern items voicing the arguments set forth by Ban The Round Ball Community, and thus..., the animosity remains.

Actually when this site was formed, one of the largest, if not the largest company making "modern muzzleloaders" that used the ammunition that is verboten, was actively trying to get traditional sidelock rifles that use round ball, BANNED.
Standard marketing department approach. 😂 The guy who thought it up probably got a promotion. :rolleyes:
Thanks LD for the history. That one fellow sure did cause a lot of havoc for us traditional shooters. I’m okay with providing correct information but the amount of baloney spread by him and those trying only to make a buck and putting down real black powder and round ball guns is disheartening.
Have you ever tried a conical or sabot round or is it not recommended? And what's your load and effective range?
For prb I shoot fifty grain FFF, For the mini's I shoot 60 grain fff, I use a leather wad between the powder and projectile to prevent the lube from wetting the powder since I will be leaving the rifle loaded for extended periods. For prb I shoot 75 yards or less, The mini's are good for up to 125 yards. Many years ago when the eyes were better and I had my woodpile for a bench rest I dropped a large doe that was walking just past the pasture fence and crippled a button buck that was behind her that I did not see until the doe dropped. I stepped off the distance to the pasture fence and I knew the width of the pasture so I am confident of the range. It was the only time ever got teo deer with one shot. With the eyes now I would not attempt such a long shot.
Technically speaking the round ball IS a sabot. Its wrapped in cloth that falls away.

Treeman, Either of those projectiles can be wax paper patched into a muzzle loader. Withworth made it famous.
Ok, I'm more than new to this and I went and bought a "Hopkins and Allen .45 CA" rifle hoping I could use it for hunting...but apparently muzzleloading isn't a big thing where I live. My question mainly right now, is...Are balls and "regular bullets" interchangeable?
Welcome to muzzle loading!

In what part of the country are you located?
Maybe one of us is relatively close and could help with some mentoring.
Well then why did you participate by insisting that "The patch is a patch as you stated, not a sabot." Apparently you cared at that point. 😂😂😂
Yes n No. I call a patch a patch because that is what it has been called for many years etc. What it "acts" like I could care less about. A sabot to me is a totally different item generally used for firing a smaller caliber, high velocity ammunition from various firearms, including heavy weapons. If you think a patch is a sabot I can't imagine why, but to each his own. I've never heard of a "sabot" knife, but I have heard of a patch knife. I learn something every day. Go figure?
Yes n No. I call a patch a patch because that is what it has been called for many years etc. What it "acts" like I could care less about. A sabot to me is a totally different item generally used for firing a smaller caliber, high velocity ammunition from various firearms, including heavy weapons. If you think a patch is a sabot I can't imagine why, but to each his own. I've never heard of a "sabot" knife, but I have heard of a patch knife. I learn something every day. Go figure?

“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’

’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’

’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.”
I hunted with a TC Cherokee 45. Slim little rifle. Unfortunately I couldn’t get my face into the stock far enough for a decent sight picture so I installed a red dot sight. I also used sabot rounds over Pyrodex pellets.

In my defense that was close to thirty years ago and I did not know any better, just took advantage of another week of deer season. 😜
Technically speaking the round ball IS a sabot. Its wrapped in cloth that falls away.

Treeman, Either of those projectiles can be wax paper patched into a muzzle loader. Withworth made it famous.
Ok, so the sabot I'm talking about is conical round with plastic instead of the patch.

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