Vous starts Friday October 7 ends Sunday October 9. Located in Canton Maine(southern Part)on Meadowview road. From route 108 in Canton take route 140 east to laplant rd take right cross RR tracks the next road on left is meadowview rd drive 3 miles to vous site.
Primitive and modern sites,Lobster feed Saturday at 5pm.
Come camp before vous starts and stay after it ends,enjoy the wilderness setting and foliage.
Hope you can make it.
Nit Wit
Vous starts Friday October 7 ends Sunday October 9. Located in Canton Maine(southern Part)on Meadowview road. From route 108 in Canton take route 140 east to laplant rd take right cross RR tracks the next road on left is meadowview rd drive 3 miles to vous site.
Primitive and modern sites,Lobster feed Saturday at 5pm.
Come camp before vous starts and stay after it ends,enjoy the wilderness setting and foliage.
Hope you can make it.
Nit Wit