Fall Rendezvous is Oct 8,9 and 10th
Location: 801 meadowview Rd. Canton Maine(30 miles North of Lewiston)
We have all the usual competitions plus the best camping in Maine.
Camp feast will be our fall lobster bake, plus a "giveaway" you won't want to miss at our camp meeting on Sunday.
Come early and stay on after the vous for a wonderful Maine vacation.
Call the Booshway(nit Wit)to reserve your lobster
(207) 897-5058
Location: 801 meadowview Rd. Canton Maine(30 miles North of Lewiston)
We have all the usual competitions plus the best camping in Maine.
Camp feast will be our fall lobster bake, plus a "giveaway" you won't want to miss at our camp meeting on Sunday.
Come early and stay on after the vous for a wonderful Maine vacation.
Call the Booshway(nit Wit)to reserve your lobster
(207) 897-5058