Another browning question

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62 Cal.
Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
I'm browning a barrel with LMF cold browning solution and got a little too much humidity in my bathroom this morning when I was taking a shower. The steam condensed on the barrel and ran down, making steaks. I scaled the barrel with a kitchen scrub pad, but I can still see the streaks. Will these eventually disappear with the application of more coats, or am I stuck with stripping the finish and starting over? It seems that humidity control is the most important factor in getting good results.
I've had the same thing happen. The streaks seem to disappear after you card and re-apply a new layer of browning and allow it to do its' thing. However, that said, I have never used the LMF browning solution.
Black Hand
I just finished mine. I had to sand an area that was not browning due to either silver solder or flux. Anyway it took a few layers but I got it to look pretty good. And yes I'm using LMF degreaser/browning solution.
I decreased the humidity and kept applying the browning solution and carding every three hours and it eventually evened out. I guess I just needed to be more patient.
I did mine near the kitchen with a kettle on low. Worked like a charm.
I use LMF and I don't expect things to look very good until about 3 or 4 cycles, depending on the humidity. I use the shower method also, it works well for me... however, I wait until its all done before I take my shower. ::

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