Any BP Shooters in Central Kentucky?

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32 Cal.
Jun 16, 2011
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I live in Richmond, Kentucky (Central Kentucky) and so far, have not found any club, individual, places to shoot, or a store that sells black powder “stuff.” I can’t believe that no one in Central Kentucky, especially where Daniel Boone roamed, shoots black powder but me. Any help you may be able to give that will help me to get I touch with other black powder shooters in Central Kentucky, will be appreciated. Thanks.
There are clubs in Ky. NMLRA publishes them in the Charter Club section of web page. We are a bit east of you in Brethitt Co; Boone's Trace Muzzleloaders. Contact us on FB or [email protected].
You can find some products and powder at Evans Guns and Archery in Lexington and Nicholasville Reloading.
Thanks for your reply. Brethitt County is about 1 ½ to 2 hours from me, but I thank you for the invitation to come over. Thanks to you, I did look on the NMLRA site in the Charter Club section, as you suggested, and found several groups in the Lexington and Harrodsburg area I have never heard about. I will be contacting them soon. Again, thanks for your help.
I live in Richmond KY also and I think you can shoot at a range near Kingston about 3-5 miles from town. I used to shoot skeet there years ago. Get a Kentucky Hunting pamphlet at walmart or the county courthouse and it is listed. Also, did you know about the "primitive weapons special season" for deer hunting. D. Boone owned about 3-4 properties here and the Wilderness Trail is the 3rd street extended open to traffic. Not many landowners will allow shooting mainly because of the large amount of beef cattle in Madison county. Welcome to Richmond.

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