Over the log, or "chunk".
It’s a different kind of game that can be played with any rifle, but is best played with a gun that has a heavier than usual, longer than usual barrel.
The matches are usually shot from the prone position at an “X” target sixty yards away. Since nobody has eyes good enough to see the x at sixty yards, actual aiming is done at a “spotter”. The spotter can be whatever works best for the individual shooter. Some use some sort of “V”, some use a disc, some use a square”¦.there is no set standard. SOP is one shot matches, measured from the center of the ball to the center of the x. If there are ten shots in a day, aggregate might be all ten, or five chosen by the shooter before the individual match is shot. The individual matches are added up, and the shortest string wins the aggregate.
An interesting thing about guns that are used strictly for chunk shooting is that they are generally not zeroed in. Your are aiming at your spotter, and if that is also where the ball is hitting the spotter will wind up shot to pieces. There is always time allowed for practice. You mount your spotter, hopefully shoot a decent group, and when the matches start you place the paper X target so that the x is centered in the group. You NEVER remove the spotter.
It should be like shooting from a bench, but it isn’t. Like I said, it can be a humbling experience.