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Anybody rabbit hunting ???

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69 Cal.
Dec 16, 2006
Reaction score
The hills of Southern Indiana
We have been doing a lot of rabbit hunting the last several weeks. Went for a short while this afternoon and ran two. One holed up on a creek bank. The second made a nice circle and after a twenty minute chase my friend collected a fat one with his 20 gauge fowler.

I just thought I would ask if any here have been chasing rabbits too. Stories and/or pictures would be great.

I would LOVE to hunt rabbits! Where I live in Ohio, the only thing more rare is a thicket or a fence line.
I have been running a few but very dry here, they get under the cedars and dogs have trouble with them.
I just had a great hunt this afternoon. The dog ran very well and pushed rabbits for hours. The trouble was that this particular piece of property is so thick, they run right by without seeing them. In most spots you cant see 10 yards. I have to carry snips to negotiate through the tiny deer trails because of the prickers. I love to go there just to watch the dog run as it holds lots of rabbits. I need a little more snow so as to make visibility better. But even after you shoot one it takes 20 minutes or better to get to it. Sadie and I will be out every chance we get, and we hope to post some pics. Great topic. :)
Been looking but haven't jumped one yet. I have my new Brooks 16 gauge fowler to bloody and a rabbit would be just right.

I've been hunting them some, finding a few, but having a tough time bringing any home. I'm still working on my experiment using cedar bark wadding. I switched to my 32" double flint from the 46" smoothbore to get a little edge, but haven't connected, yet. I hunt in some heavy trash so that I see most of them for only a hop or two before they disappear. I love hunting them that way, but it's a game better suited to younger reflexes than mine. I'm my own beagle, and after a long afternoon of busting briar thicker for the little rascals I get a yearning for a snack of Kibbles 'n Bits.


Spence, glad you are out after a rabbit. You will know you have given it your all when the tip of your tail is bloody! :haha:

Please post a picture or two and a story when you hit pay dirt!

Good luck, Skychief. :hatsoff:
Went out again today, it was a lot colder than I thought. Especially when the wind started to blow. We got about 2-3 inches of snow last night. Again the dog ran really well. She ran one past me about 7 yards. I don't like to shoot them that close but tried to just head shoot it with the .62 SB. I had a misfire, the pan didn't even ignite. She ran the same rabbit by one more time about 15 minutes later, this time he stayed in the thick stuff and I had no shot. Another she ran by at about 40 yards, a bit too far. I did shoot the gun off before I left, and all seemed well. I wonder if that rabbit knows how lucky he was? The dog had a great time as usual, we're nursing her wounds from pricker bush attacks on her ears. Hope to have some pics of success soon.

Does your dog ever give you the sideways glance that I have received after running a rabbit by that close with no shot offered? :rotf:

If they could only speak at times. :haha:

Keep after them, Skychief.
I have to tell you, this is my first beagle and her third season. I have had dogs all my life, mostly water dogs for waterfowl hunting. This beagle works harder than any animal I've ever seen. I'm not going to brag her up, cause I'm sure she has her faults, but I love to watch her do her thing. I am trying to get a couple rabbits for the pot, but I go primarily to hear her sing. I'm thinking about adding a small male to help her out. I don't think I'll ever be without a beagle again, though. Amazing little dogs. Rabbits are like "crack" to her. She cant get enough, and will run herself lame if I let her.
i went yesterday,also was the first time i was around a blackpowder hunting partner,i usually use a tc 410 handgun.
all i know is the rule was after the shooter missed three tries,whether miss,forgot to cock,no spark,the guy with the shotgun could end the chase.we ended up with three.here is a videoas well as a question.
i am looking for a short barreled 20 gauge flintlock gun for shooting over my beagles,anyone know where i can find one for around 5-6 hundred
heres yesterdays link,feel free to watch all the vids http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7SzfrOhaLU
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I haven't been out for a cpl weeks but rabbit and squirrel season is stil open til the end of feb here in CO so headin out this weekend. Don't have a dog for rabbit but really wanting to get one. I'll let you know how things go
Yep, we went Saturday, a week ago with a friend and his 2 beagles. Jumped 6, ran 4, killed 2. I got mine with my 20ga fowler. Only missed twice in three shots. But made up for it yesterday. Took my Springer for a walk. He routed one out and i rolled him. It's the only rabbit we saw. He's in the crockpot now.
Never made it out once this year :shake:. I tried one day but didn't see any in my go to brush piles so I went squirrel hunting instead and bagged my first grey squirrel with the double 12. I figured it might be a good thing I'm not killing lots of rabbits this year. I'm trying a little wildlife management on the property. Phase 1 of it was to get rid of some predators so I killed like a dozen coons and possums and have so far killed 2 yotes. When I get some more free time in February and March I'm going to cut a bunch of cedars in some overgrown pasture so that the tall grass and fescue will grow back instead of being shaded out by those fat cedars. Then I'm gonna arrange the trees I cut into big brush piles which will be like rabbit factories. Then I think on the field edges I'm going to trim back the branches so the undergrowth will grow back on the field edges. The reason I'm doing this is because we've been seeing lower rabbit numbers and I'd like to give the quail habitat a boost so we can increase the number of birds on the property. Right now it's like finding a needle in a haystack finding quail there because there's usually only 1 covey of like 12 birds, sometimes 2 coveys. Thirdly the increased grassland will be better turkey nesting to boost our turkey population. So I'm planning ahead for my hunting future :grin:.
Rabbits have been kinda scarce around here for a few yrs. but when we find them they are good size.
I got one bunny so far this year. It was at the end of the day when deer hunting, and no deer, but this bunny came hopping along, and I had to be careful to make sure it was a head-shot. A body shot with a .54 on a bunny doesn't leave much.
