Anyone Else Use 1F

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nit wit

.69 Cal.
Staff member
MLF Supporter
Jan 20, 2005
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Anyone else using 1F? I bought a lot of Dragon 1F.I have been using it in my committee of safety musket using ball and shot. I shot one turkey with it so far.
I also have been using it in my T/C NewEnglander 12 ga. I have killed 3 partridge so far. I find that the 1F gives you more of a gentle push with 80gr bp and shot. It seems to ignite and kill well. The bore seems much cleaner than when I use 3F. I may try it in my rifles.
Nit Wit
I can't say I have ever bought a can of 1F.

I am surprised you report less fouling. My experience tends to be the opposite. The finer the granulation of powder used the less fowling I see.

I may just have to give it a try. Some of my rifles may actually like it.
I have a gross amount of 1F Goex that I purchased for my 45-110 Sharps loads. Then, on a recommendation from a friend, I tried 1F Goex Express in my 45-110 and it worked nicely. So I bought a bunch of 1F Express. Now I have 1F Goex just setting there.

You have given me inspiration to use that 1F in my Fowler. I'm going to start using it right away.

When I built my 12ga fowler I was planning to go smoothbore for the most part. I went a little overboard buying 1F, 8 pounds I think. I shoot the fowler less than I thought I would and have built 2 other small bore guns since that use 3F.

I guess I have a lifetime supply of 1F, my fowler performs well with it, both shot and ball.
Years ago, a friend bought a bag of cannon powder. I filled a few cans with it. It’s even bigger grains than the 1f I’ve seen. I use it in my 12 ga. Flinter and .75 caliber matchlock. Works great in both guns. I use slightly more shot than powder by volume, and get very even patterns. Also works great with ball in the matchlock.
A lot of the guys I shoot with use it in their Sharps rifles. I am waiting for them to order some more and hopefully am able to snag about 5 lbs. or so. I am putting together an 8 bore that I think it'll be great for.
fg seemed to make my trade gun come alive with patched round ball, have not tried it with shot yet. flinch
Anyone else using 1F? I bought a lot of Dragon 1F.I have been using it in my committee of safety musket using ball and shot. I shot one turkey with it so far.
I also have been using it in my T/C NewEnglander 12 ga. I have killed 3 partridge so far. I find that the 1F gives you more of a gentle push with 80gr bp and shot. It seems to ignite and kill well. The bore seems much cleaner than when I use 3F. I may try it in my rifles.
Nit Wit
I tried it after reading Bob's Black Powder Notebook. My shot patterns tightened up considerably and it ventilated the proverbial tuna can at 25 yds. Now all I have to do is find a turkey.
I have used Fg in my smoothbores for a lot of yrs now. If you have a smoothbore that dont seem to throw a good pattern then just try some Fg. I have never seen the smoothbore yet that it didnt improve the patterns for.
I have used Fg in my smoothbores for a lot of yrs now. If you have a smoothbore that dont seem to throw a good pattern then just try some Fg. I have never seen the smoothbore yet that it didnt improve the patterns for.

I wonder why 1F would improve the patterns? A friend has a can of Cannon Powder, I guess that is 1F, will have to tried it. I use 3F for everything.

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