Anyone have hearing aid feed back using hearing protection muffs??

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VA policy is stated as:
Hearing aids or eyeglasses are to be replaced if the device was destroyed or lost due to circumstances beyond the control of the veteran.

A fellow vet recently had his replaced under this policy without any issues.
Thanks X for your reply. I felt like it was my fault for leaving them on my nightstand within reach of my dogs. I will definitely give the VA a call next week.
A local gunsmith and I are friends, he usually comes out to greet me when I enter the building. I noticed him turning the volume down on his hearing aids as I was leaving. I asked him "what's up", he pointed to his wife. I knew him to be a competent gunsmith, however I did not know the extent of his bravery until that day.
I am an RSO. When at the range, I turn the volume down to ZERO on my behind the ear hearing aids and put on a pair of noise cancelling over the ear noise protection made by Peltor. I can be on rifle and pistol firing lines for over four hours at a time.
I had to give up RSO volunteer work because my hearing got so bad. I was using Pro Ears 30db muffs with the volume turned all the way up and could no longer understand range commands.

The good news is I will be getting a cochlear implant next month.
I wear my hearing aids until I get to the actual range then put them in a container and replace with my electronic muffs (have several pairs and thicknesses depending on whether it is artillery like cannons and mortars or simply rifles and pistols). Since my loss is mostly high sounds usually just turning up the volume helps hear speech while deadening the high dB blasts. If I wear them together I get feedback and it drains my hearing aid battery
I didn’t have any trouble with feedback using Phonak hearing aids, but they weren’t working with my phone as well as advertised. I could wear them under my Bose headphones and listen to music, and I’d get my phone calls while mowing grass, but if I got a call, I’d have to switch to a different headset.

Doctor gave me Oticon hearing aids. Said they’re designed to work with phones. And they’re about worthless. They feed back in the car, under my headphones, standing in front of my sink’s stainless backsplash, or just standing in open space. All the time: little squeaks. They’re taking those back, too.

I’m getting some Resound models in about a week. We’ll see how those work.
When I was a volunteer RSO for a TWRA range (and before hearing aids) i used to wear custom molded ear plugs under my electronic radio muffs. I turned up the volume enuf to hear the other guys on the radio, but it gave me double protection against the folks with the ported muzzle brakes to where it was tolerable to be around them.
I've lived with cicadas , and or crickets for 20 yrs. I 'm close to 80 now , and besides cicadas , what's funny , is if I heavily exert myself , and my heart starts beating under stress , the cicadas pulse too. I still use foam ear plugs at the range , 'cause I just don't give a shoot any more. When up at camp , the echo that comes back from the woods and hills after firing a strong gun is priceless. One time in the 1950's I was hunting around a pack of W.Va. deer drivers. I was on the Pa. side of the W.Va. border , and they were on the south side of the W.Va. border(Mason -Dixon Line). Was buck/doe season on their side , and buck only across the border in Pa. where I was. I asked my Dad why there was so much gunfire on the W.Va. side of the line , and he said they were probably using then plentiful WW2 surplus 30.06 Garands , Legal for deer semi-autos in W.Va. , and firing "sound shots" to move the deer around. We moved further out the Mtn. further away from the border.
I found out that even having my hearing aids turned off and wearing electronic muffs was a bad idea. Went through 3 pairs (under warranty) . Apparently the electronics between the two wasn't compatible. Started taking them out when wearing muffs and no more dead hearing aids!
I also use Walker electric muffs and now I have hearing aides
When shooting by myself on the clay's range there is no problem with both on
Our clay's range is close to the pistol range, when there are pistol shooters there I turn my hearing aides off and leave the Walker's on and same if other clay shooters are there
so far my method works for me
I have Costco Kirkland bluetooth hearing aids 10.0. I can control them with an app on my iPhone. "0" is normal. Party or restaurant environment run them up to +3. On the range I run them down to -5. Helps a lot. Price was $1400. They are also rechargeable. Put them in their box at night, ready to go again in the AM. Sadly they were discontinued, but there may be a better ones now at Costco.
I also use Walker electric muffs and now I have hearing aides
When shooting by myself on the clay's range there is no problem with both on
Our clay's range is close to the pistol range, when there are pistol shooters there I turn my hearing aides off and leave the Walker's on and same if other clay shooters are there
so far my method works for me
I do the same. Works for me. Walkers at $39.99 at Amazon.

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