I bounce around between 50, 54 and 58 for deer and have formed my own impressions. The 50 is the flattest shooting to 100 yards with my "usual" load of 80 grains of 3f, but snorting up the 54 (100-110 grains of 3f) to get the same trajectory is not especially uncomfortable on the shoulder even with the heavier ball (224 grains). Snort the 58 up enough to get the same trajectory (120-140 grains of 2f) with the heavier ball (279 grains vs 177 grains for a .490), and the butt is coming back with lots of authority.
That's all academic because I don't feel the need for the same trajectory when shooting inside 100 yards, as is my practice. My hunting load of 90 grains of 3f in one 54 (100 grains of 2f in another) is still plenty "flat" while appearing to hit game with more authority. I've only ever recovered one .530 ball, and that was after it broke a whole bunch of bone at 55 yards.
My usual hunting load with the 58 is between 90 and 110 grains of 2f, depending on the rifle. That's a little more loopy in reaching 100 yards, but still okay. It certainly lets you know it's not a 177 grain ball rolling down the bore, but not uncomfortable. It MOST CERTAINLY smacks deer a whole lot harder than either the 50 or 54 even at the lower vels.
Much as I love the 58, I'd probably go with the 54 if I had to pick one for all around.... And if I moved away from moose country. Just feel better about that 58 for moose, even if I know the 54 can be made to work.