Anyone miss a bedded buck at 10 feet?

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Another vote for a good crisp single trigger on stalking guns. I'm proud of one I jumped out of its bed at less than ten feet and dropped at 20. Love my big long 12-pound 58 cal double triggered Hawken for steady offhand shooting in the open, but give me my 8-pound 26" barreled 58 cal single trigger for fast swings on the close stuff.
Don't feel bad everyone has a story along those lines. I once shot at a doe in fading light standing in front of a tree. Only to embarrassingly find out she was actually BEHIND THE TREE! :shake:
PGTMG said:
Don't feel bad everyone has a story along those lines. I once shot at a doe in fading light standing in front of a tree. Only to embarrassingly find out she was actually BEHIND THE TREE! :shake:

Ohh bow hunting Prudence Island late November one year, late 80's, was over cast in a blind watching an Apple tree I see this nice Doe come in and what a pretty picture with just minutes left before the sun goes down I see the outline of a deer and a small Apple tree. AT 25 yards I place the pin on where the deers lungs should be and let loose. Smack! deer runs off, then comes back slowly las if to say what just happened ... I didn't shoot again cause I expected it it to fall over any second now and was getting to dark to shoot anyways.

Well, when the guys came to get me, we found I made a perfect shot and killed the Apple tree. What I couldn't see when I shot, was the Doe was actually behind the tree and not in front of it. :haha: One lucky Doe. We unscrewed the shaft and left the broad head in the tree.
Nice to know I am not the only one. :grin:

Not to twoot my own horn but I killed the heck out of that tree and it had a lot of points! :wink:
Good story...also had a bedded buck lunge up and away one time when I was still hunting years ago...never knew he was there but when I got to within 20-30 feet he exploded...scared the living hexx out of me...couldn't even try a shot through the end of the blow-down...just watched him go crashing off
Flint50 said:
"...Had I stayed on stand he would have come right to me..."

As interesting as still hunting sometimes is, the percentages have never been in it for me...and while I've never been accused of being the sharpest knife in the drawer I DID figure out that if I hunt the wind, sit still and quiet where deer are, I'll punch some for years now I just let them come to me...if they do, great.....if they don't, so be it