I've shown this on here before but you may have not seen it. It was made from odds and ends I had left over from other projects. The barrel is a cut off from a rifle 1 1/8 across the flat. It's nine inches long and I milled it to 1 inch width side to side. The lock is a small rifle. The front sight was milled one piece from bar stock and the rear sight is from a TC rifle I think that I soldered a ghost ring into. It's fully adjustable for windage and elevation.
The twist is 1-60 but works fine with round balls as they don't need much spin to stabilize. I've never tried a Maxi but I doubt it would stabilize at pistol velocity. It likes a 50 grain charge of 2F and I think a .530 ball instead of .535 that my rifle likes. It's been awhile since I had the ole girl out to the range.
It looks kind of clunky as all the brass on it was milled out of bar stock and just had the sharp edges rounded off but the gun is surprisingly accurate made from spare parts found around the shop.
The walnut for the stock came from a plank I picked up some where and the trigger was made of 0-1 tool steel.
Notice the grain run in the grip is perfectly laid out to break off at the first provocation so a piece of steel all thread was glass bedded from the bottom of the grip up through the center to back of the side lock. The hole is plugged with a piece of hardwood dowl blended into the butt contour.
I think I used O-1 tool steel to fabricate the drum as well and nested it into the lock plate snugly so I doubt it will ever need replaced.
I wouldn't think twice about plugging a whitetail of hog with it !

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