Anyone Stocking Remington Caps?

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With the current high demand for the modern cartridge ammo I doubt that the people now running the Remington ammunition plant have percussion cap production very high on their "to do" list. Caps,, by comparison, are only a small part of their ammunition business. Hopefully as they get regular production in full swing they will find time to make some runs of caps.
How so? I've tried both CCI and RWS in the ROA and it went bang every time and hit the plates. I'm happy.


How so? Lessons learned from a High Master shooter's at Friendship.

I shoot CCI 11's. Have to turn the nipples down to get them to seat on most nipples in 1858's and Colt open top's. Remington caps fit better on As Issue revolvers.

Remington caps also tend to self destruct better when hit with the hammer than CCI's, less cap fragments to bind the hammer up and less fragments caught in the action..

CCI work okay on ROA, but I also shoot 2 As Issue Aggs.
I bought 2 tins of Remington #11 caps at Fin, Fur, and Feather at their Ashland, OH store at the end of July when I was traveling home from a Archery Shoot in PA. DANNY
Short answer; No.
Vista Outdoors bought the Remington ammo assets. Word on the street is they are ramping up to begin full scale production again, but I wouldn't hold my breath on when.