Anyone use Ballistol on wood regularly?

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John Spartan

40 Cal
Oct 12, 2021
Reaction score
As above.
Ballistol seems to be a wonder in some cases (I keep waiting for it to mow my lawn) and the label does say “Wood” as one of its uses. Being familiar with the ingredients I thought “Why not?”
Had a stock I thought looked a bit dry, had the Ballistol handy, and gave it a shot. Seemed to do a fine job on the wood. No apparent downsides.
Any long term caution here? Anyone here use Ballistol regularly on wood?
I've used it lke you did and it did work great! Once well ingrained into the wood, I then put a few coats of wax on top. But I myself would not use it 'regularly', nor see any valid reason for why to do so, as lubricating type oils can soak into stocks over time.

Note do not confuse Ballistol oil with a traditional 'oiled' finish.
It's a great product and works well but don't like the smell but I use it all the time, metal, wood, and cleaning. Hornaday One Shot for BP was my fave but they discontinued it and have no plans to make a replacement, per my email request a couple days ago. Seems like they're taking the same fork in the road as Remington, a steady progression downhill, hate to say.
like mmull56 above i use it regularly and love the product, though the smell gets me. i have used it on wood but have other products i like better. i used it to waterproof my cows knee with a witches brew of other ingredients. nothing spontaneously burst into flame, it worked well as waterproofing and softened the dry leather almost to calf skin softness.
I haven't used it on dry unfinished wood but it works great to clean finished wood. I like the smell especially how it goes with BP fouling for a delightful aroma that has the added benefit of keeping wimmin away so I have peace and quiet to play with my guns.