Anyone using the Schuetzen Powder?

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40 Cal.
Jan 31, 2005
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My summer issue of Blackpowder Hunting Magazine arrived this week. Testing was done on several powders with bullets in the 250-300 grain range. Good marks were given to Schuetzen FF -- calling it almost identical to Goex FF with an edge given to it's "softer fouling".

Anyone using this stuff in FF or FFF? Any pros or cons you found? I found a place online that sells it cheap for anyone that's interested.

You Can Buy It Right Here.
I bought some Schuetzen powder and think it is good stuff.
It isn't as powerful and it fouls a bit more than Swiss but other than that, I have no complaints with it. :)

It beats the H out of the Elephant powder I used years ago. :)
I use Schuetzen 2ff in my 54 smooth bore and I think it works fine. never used swiss but have used, geox, and elephant. I don`t think it`s any better or worse than than either of them.
cut finger
I've been using it for about 2 years now and am very happy with it. I think it's rather clean burning myself.
The Graf brand of BP is identical to Schuetzen as per The Mad Monk of Black Powder, he ran the tests and stated it was also made in the same plant as the Schuetzen.

I started using the Graf BP sometime back, like the cheaper price, but love their BP.
It is all I use in my shotguns. I find the fouling is less and softer than Goex with just a tad more power. I think it is good stuff.
I used it in 3f and 2f for years until it became more expensive than Goex.IMHO its not that much different to justify the $1 a can in 25lb lots.It is a an excellent black powder.
I too have used the Graf brand B/P and had
no problems with it at all. For no particular
reason I have returned to Goex, but I have
nothing bad to say about the Graf brand.
I have both Graff and Goes on the shelf, along wiht a couple of others. I have had the same experiences, basically it compares to red can Goex. One thing to consider when making the choice on which to buy, Graf powder is maded in Europe, Goex is made over here (after they rebuild from the fire last week anyway). All else being equal it is the Goex that I would buy.
$9.00 a lb Half your luck!!!

heres the price list for Wano in Australia.
NB all prices are +10% GST

CM0162 Shooting FG 1 kg 32.80
CM0161 Shooting FFG 1 kg 32.80
CM0151 Shooting FFFG 1 kg 32.80
CM0163 Shooting FFFFG 1 kg 39.55

CM0147 Precision P 1 kg 38.50
CM0148 Precision PP 1 kg 38.50
CM0149 Precision PPP 1 kg 38.50

Done the sums!
In comparison you guys get it for about $24.75 AUS per kg.

We in asutralia pay anywhere between $36.80 to $42.35 per kg + our delivery (min qty 5kg)
(Delivery is about $54.00 AUS per 5 kg)
I guess beggars cant be choosers eh!

Any one got a spare green card? I think I might have to move, more access to powder, firearms, relaxed laws, plenty hunting but I draw the line at those horrible plaid trousers you send your tourists over here with I wont wear them under no circumstances..
IMHO, Swiss is the cat's Me-ow in the clean burning dept. However from what I understand, Scheutzen was made to compete with Goex (not Swiss) and for me it has proven to be as good or better in performance from what I have shot of it. Been shooting it for bout a year now & really like it in all the larger bore rifle & never had to change the loads when I swapped from Goex to Scheutzen. But nothing beats Swiss in a small bore rifle....... :thumbsup:
Thanks for all replies. I purchased the Swiss. Hated to pay $22, so I limited myself to one can. Will likely try the Grafs/Schuetzen next, mainly cuz' it's cheaper. Can't wait for this weekend to get here. The extended expected weather here sounds good
I guess you realize with the Swiss you use about 15-20% less volume & a different grain size in dif. calibers, but not the same as you would with Goex or Scheutzen, etc........ :winking:
Grain sizes for wano vs Swiss powders.
NB the P powders are Wano's their version of swiss type, suposedly less fouling, etc? What person at store told me is new powder they have brought out? I have never used it just passing on what I heard and the doco on it I was given.

FG 1.18 - 1.7 mm
FFG 0.6 - 1.18 mm
FFFG 0.3 - 0.85 mm
FFFFG 0.15 - 0.425 mm

P 0.85 - 1.18 mm
PP 0.71 - 1.0 mm
PPP 0.425 - 0.71 mm

Blasting Powder 2 0.2 - 8.0 mm
Cannon Powder 0.2 ”“ 2.0 mm

Sporting Shooting Powders (G)
Precision Powders (P)

Type Granule Size

1Fg (No. 5)............1.2 - 1.6 mm
1.5Fg (No. 4).........0.9 - 1.36 mm
2Fg (No. 3)............0.67 - 1.36 mm
3Fg (No. 2)............0.508 - 0.87 mm
4Fg (No. 1)............0.226 - 0.508 mm
Null B....................0.226
sledgemeister said:
Any one got a spare green card? I think I might have to move, more access to powder, firearms, relaxed laws, plenty hunting but I draw the line at those horrible plaid trousers you send your tourists over here with I wont wear them under no circumstances..

Actually you are better off coming over illegally, then you can pay a $2000 fine, and skip 2 of the last 5 years taxes. A money saving strategy for sure. I wrote my exSenator asking for the procedure to give up my citizenship and becoming an illegal. I thought she'd help me, having voted for the bill that made that offer. :youcrazy: