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40 Cal.
Aug 20, 2004
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Hey guys I looking for a product called aquafortis to stain a stock. TOW use to sell it but they stop handling it for some reason or other. would anyone know where I might buy some.
cut finger
Mike Lea from Ohio Bought out Wakon Bay. I'm not sure how to contact him, but he now sells it.
There are several online suppliers. They will refer to this chemical by its modern name nitric acid.
Mike Lea and Daughter can be contacted at:

(614) 291-4757

(He was recommended to me by HardDog and I got the service that I was promised)

CRACKSTOCK, I just got an e-mail from TOW saying that they would have AQUAFORTIS back in stock sometime in Sept.
cut finger
Hay Cut Finger:
Have you ever used a product call Magic Maple Stain? Its not a true aquafortis but gives the same results and is easer and maybe safer to use. I have used it on a lot of Curly Maple Knife and Axe handles and it looks real nice. You can get it from Log Cabin Shop.
We missed you at the Walkabout two weeks ago in the Western Hiawatha, it was a good time, and had beer left over. that was the sad part.
My understanding is that Magic Maple is Chromium Trioxide which will turn a nice even shade of green in about 10 years. Ask some of the board members, I'm sure they'll tell you about it while they're crying in their beer.
Have you seen this your self? I started using it because my longrifle was stained with the stuff and I wanted an axe handle to mach my rifle. I guess there is nothing I can do about it now but I would like a head up.
[ understanding is that Magic Maple is Chromium Trioxide which will turn a nice even shade of green in about 10 years. Ask some of the board members, I'm sure they'll tell you about it while they're crying in their beer.[/quote]

I'd stay away from any chromium coumpound in the +6 valence state, they are known carcinogens! From the MSDS for chromium trioxide:


Toxic. This material is a probable human carcinogen. Inhalation of dust may lead to serious lung damage. May cause burns or ulcers. Dust may ulcerate mucous membranes. Typical TLV/TWA 0.05 mg m-3
I'd stay away from any chromium coumpound in the +6 valence state, they are known carcinogens! From the MSDS for chromium trioxide:

You may have to help me out on this one, What is a +6 Valence state?
Here's some testimonials about magic maple:

Apparently some people still use it, but buyer beware.
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There's a bit more to it than simply nitric acid!

I took a shortcut and bought a bottle of feric nitrate crystals.
I made my own, it's pretty simple. I used 4oz of 50% acid cut with 32 oz of water. Then I added steel wool, nails, and other bits of iron / steel until the reaction stopped. It works great, and I have a lifetime supply.


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