Are #10's a must?

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70 Cal.
Mar 17, 2004
Reaction score
Is it totally necessary to have #10 caps for a C&B revolver or can you use #11's?

#10's are not readily available here so I'd have to order 5,000 of them and pay HAZMAT fees...etc.

I'd rather use my #11's if possible.

I got TRESO nipples for my 1851 Colt Navy (Pietta) and #11s work well with them.

You can get the TRESO nipples from The Possibles Shop or from Track of the Wolf. They look real purty too!
If your revolver takes #10's you'll have to pinch fit the 11's but they'll work.
You need to use whatever size will fit, and there's really no good rule of thumb to predict that. The old saw about No. 10 for pistols and No. 11 for long guns isn't correct.

If you want to use No. 11 and they don't fit (too loose) you have 3 options:

1) Change brands. CCI No. 11 and Remington No. 11 are not the same size, and where one doesn't fit, the other might. Also, try RSW No. 1075, if available.

2) Pinch them with your thumb and forefinger after you put them on. This is harder to do in some guns than others, and doesn't always work very well, however.

3) Change brands of nipples for one that will fit the caps you want to use. Tresos normally seem to fit both CCI and Remington No. 11, plus RSW 1075.
I have an 1851 (F. Pietta) and I've peened the nipples down through use enough that the #11 caps now fit well enough. They actually have a visible ring upset at the ends. I still give the caps a little pinch.

Probably also depends on the caps. I use Remingtons.
I have Remington and CCI #11's.

When I get the pistol I'll try them both.

Mountainman56 told me Bass Pro here in San Antonio carries #10's.

Thanks for all the input.
I agree with mykeal. You have to do a bit of experimenting to find which fits best on your weapon, be it either a pistol or a long gun. I keep a record for each of what size and manufacturer works best for which gun. If you don't write it down you can get really messed up if you have to rely on your memory when you own more that 6 pistols.

Yeah, I switched to CCI 10s because I pich my caps too hard and then it's wasted.

James Taylor
I've always used 10's on the Pietta '58 Remmies I've owned they are a snug fit. after loading/capping I point downrange and useing thumb pressure on the hammer 'seat' the caps snugly. I've fired at least 1000 shots and no chainfires or hangfires useing this method. I wonder if loose/missing caps are'nt a primary reason for both of those problems. be safe rather than sorry. :thumbsup:
With my two Pietta's Remingtons #10 remingtons fit both, #10 CCIs only fit the Delux and not the stainless. #11 CCI magniums work great on the stainless. Not all 10s and 11s are the same. You should try several brands.

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